1.What time is it? 7:05 PM EST
2. Name: Dustin
3. Name as it appears on birth certificate: Dustin Lee Pumm
4. Nickname(S): Dusty, D, Berserker
5. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: No candles.
6. Birthday: November 8th
7. Pets: Brandy (German Shepherd) Betsy (Mutt)
8. Hair Color: Dyed black. Normally brown.
9. Piercing: No
10. Eye color: Brown or green. Varies.
11. How much do you love your job?: I appreciate the perks. I bitch about it sometimes but it really is a good job.
12. Hometown: McDonough, GA
13. Favorite Food(S): Probably salad, sadly.
14. Been to Africa?: ... no.
15. Been toilet papering?: Never in my life.
16. Loved somebody so much it made you cry?: Yeah.
17. Been in a car accident?: -___- Yeah, two.
18. Croutons or bacon bits?: Why not both? No gray area for this question? Fine, croutons.
19. Favorite Day of the Week: Sunday. Mandatory beauty.
20. Favorite word or phrase: I feel sick
21. Favorite Restaurant: Quizno's
22. Favorite Flower: Roses I guess. Thanks Glassjaw
23. Favorite Drink: non-alcoholic: diet coke alcoholic: cranberry juice+vodka or everclear, maybe jagermeister
24. Favorite sport(S) to watch: Baseball
25. Favorite ice cream: Mint chocolate chip
26. Disney or Warner Bros?: Warner
27. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: Hmm.. Checkers
28. What color is your bedroom carpet?: gray
29. How many times did you fail your drivers test?: Didn't.
30. Whom did you get your last e-mail from?: thrice@merchdirect.com, involving the status of my hoodie purchase.
31. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?: Hot Topic
32. What do you do most often when you are bored?: Sleep, read, or write. Or scream. Or run. Shit, I guess I don't get bored because I have so many things to do when I do get bored.
33. Most annoying thing people ask me: Are there any dry carts? NO, IT'S FUCKING RAINING. GO DIE SLOWLY YOU CUNT.
34. Bedtime: 10 or 11
35. Who will respond to this the quickest?: Either Tony or Kyle, methinks.
36. Who is the person(S) that is least likely to respond?: Haha,
punklemonade or
karausu37. Favorite TV show(S): Almost never.
38. Last person you went out to dinner with?: Chris
39. Ford or Chevy?: Chevy, sorry.