while I of course would've liked to stay in, I'm also relieved to be voted out - it was kind of weird getting so far in my own contest^^" (I've rarely made it past round 4 before this^^)
hmmm.. i really liked the icon by shizukuchan, too bad. but otherwise, i'm sorry, i don't mean to offend anyone. but from my own comments the microtext used is unreadable- (and i apologize again. but) that's kind of the point and that's why it's called 'tiny text' (or macrotext for that matter) and it's pretty much 100% of the time unreadable..
aw, thank you^^ if that would've been the only reason for the negative vote I wouldn't have counted it, but since it wasn't , I posted it (doesn't really change anything anyways^^)
yeah, it has really clear colours and it's interesting. that's ok, i mean i've heard that before actually (at a different lims competition) and it made me giggle. heh.
Can you explain to me what the point of 'tiny text' (or microtext, I assume you mean rather than macro) is? If it's not readable, it just looks like ants marching across an icon. Why include it at all?
I'd just like to mention to those of you that are unfamiliar with the picture (it's this one), that was not a texture I used on it. The actual picture is blurred like that. If you look at the blurred bit, it's his face. I suppose if I'd cropped it differently so you could see what was going on you would have understood it, but oh well.
It seems pretty simple, by appearances just an edited black-and-white image with a texture and some text added.Haha, it's even more simple than you think. I do simple icons. I'm crap at complex ones, so I stick to simple. They've gotten me this far, yes
( ... )
Thanks! I'll stick that with all my other awards. :)
I know! I saw that line and I thought "I know the perfect shot for this". Too bad I didn't pull it off as well as I could have. I'll have another go at it later now that I'm not under any pressure.
You should always try to expand your abilities, but in addition to being crap at making them, I really don't like complex icons. Every so often one will strike my fancy, but on the whole they don't interest me. :\
Comments 10
but otherwise, i'm sorry, i don't mean to offend anyone. but from my own comments the microtext used is unreadable- (and i apologize again. but) that's kind of the point and that's why it's called 'tiny text' (or macrotext for that matter) and it's pretty much 100% of the time unreadable..
if that would've been the only reason for the negative vote I wouldn't have counted it, but since it wasn't , I posted it (doesn't really change anything anyways^^)
that's ok, i mean i've heard that before actually (at a different lims competition) and it made me giggle. heh.
It seems pretty simple, by appearances just an edited black-and-white image with a texture and some text added.Haha, it's even more simple than you think. I do simple icons. I'm crap at complex ones, so I stick to simple. They've gotten me this far, yes ( ... )
( ... )
I know! I saw that line and I thought "I know the perfect shot for this". Too bad I didn't pull it off as well as I could have. I'll have another go at it later now that I'm not under any pressure.
You should always try to expand your abilities, but in addition to being crap at making them, I really don't like complex icons. Every so often one will strike my fancy, but on the whole they don't interest me. :\
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