Moar computer problems

May 19, 2010 05:31

Blah. So, recently, comp has been getting numerous memory read errors/132 application errros (also mem read related) including a full on bluescreen. Me, in my wonderful wonderful line of thinking, thought why not update some device controllers?! YEAH. So I go on over to the mobo site and download a couple more recent drivers than I have. Install goes fine, reboot, then... lawl bluescreen. Invalid SATA controller. ROFL. I am just that good.

So, I'm sitting there unable to boot into Windows even in safe mode, trying to figure out how to fix this since this is not a problem I've had to deal with in the past. I jump in the BIOS, fuck around with stuff, now I get a screen that tells me to run system restore. Well, golly gee, I would love to do that but I can't fucking boot into OS. SO I finally figure out maybe my system disk can do something, and it runs for a long ass time and finally says... cannot find startup error, run system restore.


SO back in the BIOS, I disable ALL the optional controllers including LAN port, audio, whatever. Finally get it to boot into safe mode, where I can't actually fix the error but it's a start. Restart again, get into a buggy and fucked up looking Windows, but I can run system restore! Hooray! I run it, restart, fix my registry, clear out some cache & error files, and finally, finally... back in business. Been running for a while now with no errors, but my RAM is still fucked up. LAWL.

I create my own problems and then fix them. How awesome am I?

ANYWAY. Other notes. New Moitie! Finally got a Chandelier print item, the pinafore (I think this is the right word?) style dress in black x gray. It's lovely! Also picked up a couple of BPN blouses on MaruiOne, and they're gorgeous as usual. New coordinate coming soon! ♥

Last Saturday I went out in Lolita for LB gay pride, was lots of fun! Pics under cut~!

I got bored when I was still waiting for people to come pick me up, so I took some pics. 8D Not the best pics but my hair didn't fail as much in these. The heat totally destroyed it once I got outside.

Around 11 AM~

LATER, near dinner, around 6 PM!

I suck at posing and my hair is dead, but that's OK! I felt awesome and that's what matters! :3

Bonus (#2) - There was a boat! I love boats!

Yay boat.

Soooo overall been a good weekend/week, except for lulzy fail computer. I'm pretty close to just buying new RAM. It's still pretty expensive when buying gaming RAM, cheapest I saw was around $189.99. So, it's a thinking kind of thing. Will run more diagnostics and see what happens.

That's all for now!
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