I am such a fanfiction whore.

May 23, 2004 17:51

I don't believe I've ever written about my fanfiction addiction in my journal... But I most certainly have one. Whether it be anime fanfiction or Harry Potter fanfiction, I don't care. I love reading it. Fanfiction is what usually distracts me from actually getting work done most of the time. ^.^;;;

Anyway, I just finished reading a beautiful HP story call Gold Tinted Spectacles by beren_writes. It's H/D slash, and I loved it. If you like Harry and Draco together, then you should read it, too. (I'm a HPDM fan, as well as a HPSS fan, and damn proud of it. ^.^ Got to love those Slytherins.)

I should post more links to fanfiction that I like... I have to get around to that eventually. And maybe work more on the stuff that I've written so they can get to a point where I feel ok with posting it... Lately I've been feeling the need to start writing again.

And yes, I am aware that I'm a dork. I like the Harry Potter series a lot. That's why I've already gotten 2 tickets for Joe and myself to see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban on the day it comes out. Alan Rickman has a bigger role in this movie and I am looking forward to seeing him in a dress. Heh.

i am such a nerd, writing on the wall

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