Well things have been going alright at the moment. Doing the same old, same old really. Paying off debts one debt at a time and working towards moving out in the near future.
Dayna is getting BIG. She's almost nine months old now. Time really does fly I suppose. So now I'll post some images we took this week at the park.
Lots of different images in there really. The one where she is sad is because we would not let her pick up and put some trash in her mouth that was at the park. Funny that she gets so upset just because we tell her no and not to eat that crap. The final one of her sleeping, well that's just cute so it had to be posted. As you can see, she's getting big. And yes, she has two teeth so far and is really working on walking now that she crawls everywhere. But enjoy the images folks.
Now on to Halo 3. Well yeah I'm excited about the game, looking forward to getting it at work on Tuesday. We have about 75 copies at the moment, we don't reserve and we don't do midnight events so when I work at 9am I'm sure to have a copy. Well that and I'll make sure one is put behind for me tommorow. I really look forward to playing through campaign mode with Jim because we played through Halo 2 and quit at the last level cause it was SO DULL. But all the reviews are positive and now that we both have a 360 we don't have to do that split screen crap! Now if Jay would get on board and perhaps Kris we could all party together! Perhaps Brian too if he's not to busy in Japan to join us for a game or two!
Also I'll be playing alot with the folks from EvilAvatar.com. So far i've made some neat friends from the site and we have been playing alot of the Call of Duty 4 beta. So I know that the games will always be full when I want to play with folks that don't just rant racial slurs into the mic for a laugh.
Also what's neat is the forge option in Halo 3. To more or less retool and add weapons, items, cars/planes, and other objects means that Multiplayer will always be fresh. Sure you can "remap" the physical land, but you can change the entire layout and structure just by adding objects and other things. Then there's the video replays that are saved to your HD and you can upload them, oh and the maps you make, to bungie.net and share your neat kill or horrid death with friends. I know i'll post some here regardless.
So yeah I'm excited for the game, and I have Wed. and Thursday off so I'll make time to play it on these days off. So for those of you that have Xbox Live and might want to play a few games feel free to add me.