Date: Current. :D
Rating: PG for talk about imaginary babies dying?
Summary: In which Niou insists that the equation TOOFLUFFY = BABIES holds true. :3 Talk about Shadow, and a brief questioning of Ryoga's gender ensues.
Niou: *eyes Rin; he's noticed that +Gacchan have been extra fluffy, lately*
Rin: *smilesmile, looking all too happy and pleased with himself* Yes~? *quirks an eyebrow*
Niou: Y'too happy, Princess. :D
Rin: Is there such a thing like being too happy?
Niou: There sure as hell is. :D Things get dangerous if y'sugar-sweet-fluffy-feet levels get too high <3
Rin: *blinks* I won't get diabetes, no worries. *grins*
Niou: Nah, but y'might get babies. :D
Rin: *stares, eyebrow raised* Myself being male aside, we haven't even... *shuts his mouth and clears his throat, blushing a bit* Your logic is astounding, as always, Jester~san~.
Niou: ... :D Y'haven't even what? *face frozen in the :D expression*
Rin: *clears his throat again* Well... *twirls a lock of hair around his finger* Done the necessary... *cough*
Niou: ... :D You're shittin' me. *emanating 'horrified' right now*
Rin: *quite obviously uncomfortable* No.
Niou: *snerk* ... *chortle* <3
Rin: *obviously not emanating the 'omg~happy' anymore*
Niou: Well, 'least you won't get babies, now... *snicker* <3
Rin: *rolls his eyes, smiling a bit* I'm male, I can't get babies anyway.
Niou: Oh no, you don't know nothin' 'bout that. ;D Bein' male's never stopped it happenin' b'fore <3
Rin: ... huh? What are you talking 'bout? *raises an eyebrow*
Niou: I think it was... Janurary '06... :D
Rin: Hmm~ I don't think I even knew of Ryuhana back then~.
Niou: *leans over to Rin's ear, all hush-hush and top-sekrit* Teddycat had a baby. ;O
Rin: ... *quirks an eyebrow, obviously amused now* How?
Niou: *winks* ;D Because, you know... *does the
Tee-Hee Yumichika Wriggle* How babies are made... ;D <3
Rin: *just stares at Niou, before bursting out laughing*
Niou: ... D: *pout*
Rin: *waves his hand* Yeah yeah, but Ryoma's male... *tries not to think too much about the two having sex, it's like thinking about your siblings having sex... gross*
Niou: Told'ja though, 's never been a problem... ;D
Niou: *sits down, back to normal* Yeah, well anyway. Wasn't much of a 16th birthday present, according t'him. Y'probably lucky it ain't gonna happen to ya <3
Niou: *thought it was precious, but is quite aware his views were/are not shared*
Rin: I can only hope so~. *ponders all the implications of what Niou just said and his own answer and resists facepalming*
Niou: Hn. *flops over onto his back, on the floor* Th' kid was cute, but.
Rin: But? *eyebrow quirk*
Niou: But, y'know. He died Niou: *rolls over onto his stomach; waves a finger at Rin* Y'gotta be careful of illusionists, too. ;D They like t'trick ya <3
Rin: *both eyebrow raised* So it was an illusion?
Niou: Yeah, but a real one, y'know? Materialised. Like, he traumatized the cat'n you could pick him up 'n play with him 'n make him le'ggo of shit if y'squeezed the right pressure points...
Rin: Must have been a skilled illusionist, then. *pensive* And it must have been sad to see him go...
Niou: Yeah... the guy who haunted the art room, a bit b'fore you got here <3 He was off 'is rocker.
Niou: I dunno, the kid fizzed out like static. Could've been worse.
Rin: Huh well, that explains why he tormented poor Ryoma like that. *winks*
Rin: Still... how long did he stay with you?
Niou: Month or so...
Rin: That's enough time to get attached... *tilts head, thoughtful*
Niou: *sits up; declarative voice* We called him Shadow. :D
Niou: After the hedgehog, y'know <3 He looked like a mini version o' me, but had Ryoma's colours, so. ;D
Niou: His real name was Ryou <3
Rin: *blinkblink* He must have been really cute~. *laughs*
Niou: Hell, yeah. ;D <3
Rin: Do you have pictures~? *grin*
Niou: ... D: He wouldn'ta shown up in 'em. *slumps; deliberately depressed aura*
Rin: Aww, that not fun. *also a bit sad from hearing this*
Niou: Yeah...
Niou: Yeah. So. :D Anyway <3 Like I was sayin'.
Niou: Y'gotta be careful. ;D 'cause Gacchan's an Echizen, too. ('n maybe he's not male.)
Rin: *laughs* But didn't you say it was some illusionist's job? *blushes a bit then* Huh... *clears his throat* He's quite male... (at least physically.)
Niou: *handily ignores the fact that it was an illusion* <3
Niou: Yeah, well. ;O Just 'cause he has the parts, doesn't mean...
Rin: At least I'm sure he can't get pregnant either... *laughs, twirling hair again*
Niou: *gringrin* Maybe, but. Y' just never know... ;D <3
Rin: *flicks his finger at Niou's ear, even if he knows very well it probably won't work* Stop with that~ *laughs*
Niou: *chuckles; flicked* Not 'ntil you remember it. ;D 'cause, it's for y'own good <3
Rin: *shakes his head* Not like it matters that much anyway, you obviously can't get pregnant from being too happy and~ *winks and just shrugs*
Niou: Yeah... ;D Y'just keep thinkin' that.