Nickname: sab, sabby,
Age: 26...that's ooooollllld
Height: i'm short... :|
Likes: tenipuri, Clamp, anime, manga, fantasy and sci-fi novels, the internet, books, reading, music, computer and video games
Dislikes: people in general, boredom, closed-mindedness, ignorance
Hobbies: surf the 'net, read, rping, listen to music, play computer and video games
Strong Points: adaptation, willing, patient
Weak Points: cold, stubborn, unmotivated
Leader or Follower?: Leader ^^ though I can be follower as well
Mature or Immature?: Mature? at least I hope I am!
Impulse or Thinking?: Thinking
Outgoing or Shy?: Shy
Energy level; high, medium, low: medium
Clothing tastes:'s more comfortable
Favorite Tenimyu actor; and why?: Shirota Yuu 'cause he's got the loveliest voice. I like Baba Toru as well, 'cause he's cute.
Least favorite Tenimyu actor; and why?: Um...none really.
Favorite Myu; and why?: Dream Live 3. Lovely songs and the dance competition was wicked!
Favorite team; and why?: Seigaku! Though I like Rikkai, Shitenhouji and Rokkaku as well.
What is your opinion on tennis?: It's a great sport!
What made you start watching the Myus?: I blame it all on
0rien who introduce d me to it...
Anything else?: &hearts!
Pictures [or description!]? [under lj-cut please]:I wear glasses, have mid-length wavy black hair. I generally prefer wearing casual clothing and when the situation calls for it I'll wear nice classy clothing.