Name: Lisa
Nickname: Nikki Aino. I'm Nikki Aino everywhere 8DD
Age: 18
Height: 170 cm
Likes: looking at nice clothes online, common sense, baking, chocolate, staying up too late and sleeping in as a result of that, drinking water/tea/beer (eh...what? XD), learning foreign languages, Mythbusters, collecting useless crap 8D
Dislikes: mathematics, respectless people, cheese
Hobbies: sleeping (I don't care if you say that's no hobby D:), drawing, reading magazines, designing clothes I can't make because I can't sew 8D
Strong Points: behaving well in public, not easy to stress out, using common sense? (laughs) I don't know really, it's difficult...
Weak Points: Lazy, bad with numbers, bad with children, can't explain things well, awkward with emotions
Leader or Follower?: Mainly a follower, but if there's something I don't want, nobody will be able to persuade me no matter what. Most time I honestly don't care, but if I do not want, I do not want. XD
Mature or Immature?: I'm a little inbetween!
Impulse or Thinking?: Thinking over important matters, impulsive over little things (like buying dinner lol)
Outgoing or Shy?: I don't feel shy, but others always say I am. I'm usually a bit silent, but it's not because I am afraid to say anything. I just like observing >8D
Energy level; high, medium, low: Medium
Clothing tastes: Hmm, most of the time some type of pants (especially love my grey plaid ones) with tees, but hardly any of it is from where I live XD I buy most of my clothes when I'm in a foreign country or from another country through the internet.....
Looking at my closet, plaid seems to be a reoccuring theme 8D
Favorite Tenimyu actor; and why?: Shit, do you realize that's the toughest question ever. I've been thinking about it forever and all I could do is come up with
graphic 8D.... So yeah
Least favorite Tenimyu actor; and why?: Ichitarou. Not that I dislike the guy himself that much, but he just... wasn't Kikumaru appropriate material 8D
Favorite Myu; and why?: Difficult, difficult... I love all the Dream Lives a lot, Rikkai 1st service and Hyoteimyu in winter. and the rest
Favorite team; and why?: At the moment it's Rikkai, sometimes it's Hyotei, sometimes it's even Seigaku. Sometimes it's SeiRu, sometimes it's Rokkaku. But I keep coming back to Rikkai, Hyotei and Seigaku ♥
What is your opinion on tennis?: I suck at it. It's fun to watch, but I'm not gonna be playing it myself XD
What made you start watching the Myus?: I was searching on youtube for some random things I don't remember, then stumbled across the Golden Pair bit from DL1. Needless to say I was intrigued 8D It stayed at that for a long time. Then I watched DL1 fully and it stayed at that for a long time.
After a while I decided to watch DL3 and started thinking "hmmm...maybe I should be watching the anime this is based on first?"
YES I watched tenimyu before I read the manga or watched the anime 8D
Anything else?: I love backstages. Way. Too. Much.
Pictures [or description!]? [under lj-cut please]:
Okay, I'm not usually that orange XDD The lighting was all crazy when I took this on my cell
I'm the one on the right 8D