Who: Echizen Ryoma & Yanagi Renji
Where: The cabins
What: Of shougi and advice.
When: December 7th
Warnings: PG-13... Of course. >_>
Comments: Ryoma's like befriending half of Rikkai. And then there's Niou. WTF
Yanagi Renji had ventured out of the room he was occupying with...he couldn't really remember, he just remember half of them had been from Shitenhouji. He shrugged, and went down to the main room, where he found a younger, messy haired freshman sitting by the fire in a wheelchair.
He had brought a board with him. "Still interested in a game, Echizen?" Yanagi asked,, sitting down near a table where the board could be set up.
Ryoma looked up, having been staring into the flames with a rather distant expression on his face. "Huh?" A beat, then he nodded. "Yeah, sure. Hi, Yanagi-senpai." He turned his chair and rolled over to the table, pushing a chair out of the way.
Yanagi turned his lips up in a small smile. "Lost in deep thought?" He asked as he set up the game.
He nodded. "I suppose. A lot going on and all." He should try and keep up a conversation, right? "So. Uh... You liking the trip so far?"
"I'm not as grumpy about it being colder here than most of our population, but it would have been nice to go somewhere warmer." He replied. "I'm rather enjoying the data I'm getting from some people." And that data being how bad some of the other students are at winter sports.
Eyebrow quirk. "There are data players wherever I go. Ta-- Dan. Mizuki in my room... Inui-senpai..." He offered a crooked smile. "I hate data tennis."
Yanagi offered wry smile. "Ah, but we're not playing tennis right now." He said. "But off-season data can be invaluable, but I won't bore you with it." He promised.
"Thank you." He eyed the game suspiciously. "Will you use data on that?"
"I promise you that I won't." Yanagi promised. "Besides, it's hard to use data where none exists."
"I'm sure Ta--Dan could dig up some data on shougi and how we play it based on our personalities. Or something. You know." A small shrug as he blushed.
Yanagi chuckled. That's not how data works" He said, his own eyebrow quirking. He followed along and had at least half an idea what was going on around him, but this was not something he was aware of. "Did something happen between you and Dan?" He asked, having the feeling he may be touching on a sensitive subject.
Ryoma moved a piece, nodding. "I'm a stupid fuck. We broke up. Or... I broke us up."
"I don't think you need to speak of yourself in such a way." Renji told him, but other than that, he let it go. "I see." He said. "Perhaps it was for the greater good."
"... Why?" He didn't sound angry or accusing, merely startled.
"Well, perhaps it wasn't meant to be." Renji said, thinking of his own failed relationship with An. Now if there was a relationship where anyone was stupid, it was Renji for thinking that she was honestly interested when he knew deep down that she loved someone else "Or were you referring to why I said you shouldn't talk about yourself that way? Because I know you're not stupid."
"Ma--maybe I referred to both. I don't know." He frowned, shrugging. "... Are you dating anyone?" He really wasn't keeping up to date with the former Rikkai player's love life.
Renji shook his head. "Not currently." He answered. "I'm getting an awkward feeling from Hanamura-sensei though." He admitted. "I'm trying to figure out if she's trying to flirt with me, or just...being creepy.’
"... Oh, her." Ryoma blinked. "Isn't she like... flirting with anything that moves?"
Renji thought about that for a moment while he moved one of his pieces. "You could be right." He admitted after a moment. "Though considering the sexual orientation of most of the residents at the camp, I doubt she's going to have much of a response from anyone." Except himself, though Renji left that part out. Being of the few heterosexuals around this quite male bunch was awkward, and of the females that were available, well....one was no longer his, and the other was a teacher. That did not bode well for him at all.
"... Sometimes I wonder if Fuji-senpai isn't bi-sexual..." Well, there was something to ponder. "Seems like he likes those art classes a lot."
Renji hummed at that thought. "I wouldn't know, really. I don't see him around all that much. Though your sexual orientation doesn't mean you can't enjoy art. Even if some of it seems a bit...erotic to be showing to young adults. At least it's not outright pornographic."
"... All I know about art is that dudes had really small willies back in Ancient Rome or some shit," Ryoma muttered.
Renji chuckled softly at that. If nothing else, he had at least gotten Echizen's mind off his problems for a moment. "I think perhaps this is a topic better left for someone else." He said, not wanting to go down that road. "Did you say this was the first time you've played this?" He asked, changing the subject from art and penises to something a lot more harmless.
"Yeah." He stared out over the board, trying to figure out his next move. "It's pretty fun, you know."
"Even if it's an 'old fart' game?" Renji asked, smiling. There were only a few different moves available. "I must admit, you might want to try to play against Sadaharu sometime. It might be a little easier." Though probably not by much, but it was a thought.
"... Dunno." He blushed a little, feeling slightly stupid.
Renji pointed out one of the available moves, one that actually benefitted him more than it would benefit Renji. "It takes practice just like anything else."
"Well, I have the damn time now, don't I?" He moved the piece.
Renji took a breath, not exactly sure how to respond to that. He just made a non-commital noise.
Ryoma glanced up, frowning. "So--sorry. Shouldn't have said that."
"It's alright. I know you're frustrated with your current condition." Renji said. "I just don't want to sound patronizing or anything like that." He explained. "I'm sure you get that enough from strangers and others."
"Hell yeah. Either that or they look at me like I'm the fucking worst disappointment that happened to them this side of the Titanic."
Renji nodded. "I don't like treating people that way. People are still themselves no matter what has happened to them. There's no reason to treat them differently."
"But, you know... I'm not... Really myself. Not really." He made a small, annoyed gesture with his hand.
Renji nodded. "Well, I suppose you could argue that with all that has gone on. But mentally you should still be yourself."
He shook his head. "I'm... not. Not really." Another annoyed handwave. "Uh, not like I wanna unload my crap on you, Yanagi-san."
Renji sighed a little. "Well, if you want to talk, I don't mind. If you don't want to, that's fine as well."
"I know you don't know me very well... But you have some data, right? Would you... consider me someone who's easily scared?"
Renji raised an eyebrow. "No, not really. Then again, I am an outside observer, so I'm sure that could be very, very wrong."
"I... wasn't, really. Scared. Easily. I mean, there was this one time when we thought there was a cursed racket and everyone freaked out, but uh..." Babbling. "I mean... I didn't scare easily. I'm like... super jumpy now."
Renji nodded. He had heard about that incident indirectly. "would I be pushing too much if I asked what happened?"
"No..." He felt that he needed to talk, talk more. And besides, that was what his therapist said he should do as well. "I... was abducted," he mumbled.
Renji's expression changed just slightly to one of concern. "I'm sorry." He said quietly, not quite sure what else to say. "I take it you were abused due to that situation." He inquired.
He pushed his hair back from his ears to show off his mutilated earlobes. "Y--yeah. Raped repeatedly by fi-five men. And... Yeah. You see the wheelchair." He couldn't look Renji in the eyes as he spoke, instead he stared at the board.
Renji frowned. That had to be a very harrowing experience, and very difficult to admit to someone who was practically a stranger. Renji let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding. "You're lucky to have survived, even with the injuries." He said quietly.
"... Yeah, well..." A pause. "... I have HIV." And now he really couldn't look at him.
Renji pursed his lips. That' was rather shocking news. "Are you afraid others are going to be afraid of you now?"
He nodded, slowly. "It's not like everyone knows... And those that do took it pretty well. But..." If it got out...*
Renji nodded. There would be those that would not react well to that news and would most likely want the young boy shunned like a leper. "Trust me, I won't tell anyone." Renji promised.
"... Thanks." He frowned. "I think it's enough that some people dislike me for just being me, you know? Don't want to be lynched or something."
Renji nodded. "There's always going to be people that dislike you for some reason or another. That goes for everyone. I understand though."
"Thanks." He eyed him carefully. "You and Sanada, you're pretty cool."
Renji chuckled a little. "Well, thank you. I appreciate the sentiment, and I'm sure Genichirou does as well. You're really not so bad yourself. People shouldn't be so quick to judge, but that's what happens sometimes."
"I hate that." Ryoma offered Renji a quite sulky look before stretching a little. "... So you're like the only straight guy on campus? Like it?"
Renji shrugged. "It doesn't bother me, honestly. I don't dislike it, but it's a bit frustrating." He admitted.
"I bet. ... You know, I wasn't even sure I was gay for real when I started dating Tai. I was just messing around, because I wanted to piss oyaji off."
"So basically it was your way of rebelling?" Renji asked. "I'm sure love can grow if there's a reason for it, and are able to get past a person's sex."
He nodded. "Stupid, right?"
Renji chuckled. "Perhaps in some people's eyes. Everyone has their own way of rebelling, and every way could be seen as stupid by someone else." He said. "It's not something I could imagine myself doing, but it seemed to work for you in a way."
"... You're very level headed, aren't you?" And intelligent, but he knew that much. "You think I'm weird, right? Telling you so much..."
"I'm usually rather level headed. It takes quite a bit for me to overreact to something." Renji said. "And I don't think you're weird, but I'm rather...surprised that you've opened up this much to me, considering I barely know you, and you barely know me."
"I... Think that might be why, actually."
"That makes sense, oddly enough." Renji commented, thinking that over. "It's easier to open up to someone that's rather removed from the situation and isn't close than it is to the ones that are close to you."
Ryoma nodded. "Yeah, exactly." He wondered why that was.
Renji shrugged at him. "You can come talk to me if you need to." He offered. "Especially if you need an outside opinion."
"Tha--thanks. Really?" He dared a small, wavering smile at that.
Renji nodded. "Of course." He said, giving Ryoma a small smile of his own.
"... If you want the truth... They weren't the ones who infected me. Those men. It was... Someone else. Back... last Christmas." God, come to think of it, he had been sick almost a year now.
Renji raised an eyebrow. "Then....who was it?" He asked quietly, almost feeling like he was overstepping his boundaries.
A long, long pause. "... You can't tell anyone."
Renji took a deep breath, knowing this was going to be a big one. "I promise." He said.
"Oyaji." Just that.
Renji's eyes widened a little. That's a horrible thing to hear, and yet....there really was nothing he could do with that information. Renji looked down. That on top of everything else? That really brought things into a new light.
"..." He stared down at his hands. "You're not saying anything," he mumbled.
"I honestly don't know what to say." Renji admitted. "Is there anything I can say to that? Other than you haven't deserved any of this. I....I just don't know."
"I'm just so... fucking tired. Of everything. Of feeling like shit every damn day. And... The anti-viral drugs? They make me sick. And sooner or later my classmates or some other random shithead from school is gonna catch on, because I'm puking left and right, and I'm not pregnant, you know? And then..." Oh just shut up, you're talking way too much...!
Renji took a deep breath. "Take a deep breath and let it out slowly." He advised as he tried not to smile at the 'not pregnant' comment. "It's a bridge you'll have to cross when you come to it." He said. "Yes, it will be difficult, but considering what you've been through so far, I'm sure you'll find a way to deal with it."
"... Unless I slit my wrists first, with the shards of my broken dreams or whatever it was Mizuki said..."
Renji raised an eyebrow. "I hope you won't consider that. No one wants that."
"Do you know how many times I've considered that? After the abduction, I... It was all I could think about."
"Most likely several times." Renji said. "I suppose you have been lectured enough on the topic though, considering you are still here among us."
"Yeah. But I'm still tired though. You know... Here." He pointed at his head, then reconsidered and instead pointed towards his heart.
Renji nodded. 'I understand." He said quietly. He used to be heavy in the heart as well, but it was never as bad as this young man's seemed. Deep inside, Renji wished he could do something more to help, but his mind told him that he was helping just by listening. Sometimes listening is the best thing a person can do to help.
"Yeah... And I'm tired of being scared all the time, too. All jumpy and shit. I don't know if I can take much more, you know? I mean... First super stupid classmate wants to screw me and nearly kills my boyfriend to get a free pass and then dad... and then..."
"No one wants to be scared." Renji said. "A bit of paranoia is useful, but not to an extreme. I can understand why you're like that though." Renji paused for a moment. "That really is a lot to be through, for any one really. It seems you've had more than your fair share.."
"I don't want to break," he mumbled. "Oh, damn!" The latter part was directed at the chess board.
Renji chuckled a little. "That's not looking good for you." He said, referring to the game. "And perhaps by getting some of this off your chest, you will keep from doing so."
"I noticed!" Now, how to save his ass from this... He tried a move, but feared it would prove futile already when he moved the piece. "... Hope so."
Renji made his move on the board. "Hmm." There weren't really too many moves available from where he saw it. "I mean it, if you need to talk, I'll listen."
"Don't really know what else to say. It's only depressing shit anyway, you know?"
"I noticed." Renji said. "But you notice I didn't lecture or make too many comments on it. If it helps or anyone else gets to be too much, I'm fairly easy to find."
"... Yeah. Hey, uh... F--friends...?"
Renji held his hand out for a handshake to seal it. "Friends." He agreed.