Log; Go oooout with me, An-chan~

Feb 21, 2010 23:05

Who: Tachibana An & Saeki Koujirou
When: Thursday after Valentines day
Where: In the middle of the school corridor surrounded by People, who are able to gossip.
What: Saeki angsts, An is happy, they agree on a date. Squee <3

Closing her book at the sound of the bell, An began to put away her things, there was only a few more weeks before the end of the school year and they would soon all be 2nd years… Time sure did fly. But maybe it'll be a better school year then the one that they were finishing off. Grabbing her bag An waved good bye at a few and was off.

Saeki felt simply droll, walking down the corridor after the last class. His class had been let out early and the boy was....procrastinating. There was stuff which needed to be done. He played with the idea of doing them. What to do first and so on. Yet he knew he'd probably end up just going somewhere alone and procrastinate some more. After crying his eyes out in his ex......whatever it was the English sensei had been to him - 's shirt, he'd felt a little separated from everything. Maybe even more than before he'd done it. Like someone had cut all the strings he'd had to people. And when people talked to him, he lifted his hand in greeting, yet he didn't feel like he knew those people at all. The words they said seemed meaningless and unimportant.

An might have gone to the kitchen to grab some of the left over cookies or cake she had but then she remembered that it was all stolen and it made her owe well, she'd be fine with out them. She had a few things to snack on in her room. Walking through the corridor she noticed a familiar face she hadn't seen in a while, smiling she called him out, "Saeki-san!."

And there they went again, calling his name. He lifted his eyes and waved at Tachibana-chan with a rueful smile. Now, there was a pretty girl. So his type and all, but then again, everyone else had sort of stopped being his type when he'd held that chocolate in his hands. The first chocolate he'd received from him. He was so not saying Kite's name, not even in his thoughts. It made him feel all mushy and messed up. "Yo~!" He stopped to wait for Tachibana's little sister, as it seemed like the girl was trying to get to him.

There were to many students to run, so An just walked quickly towards him, "How are you? It's been a while." An used to talk to Saeki more, she didn't understand why they hadn't been talking, maybe he was hut busy with his own life.

"Yeah", the tall boy admitted, nodding his head, indicating to his swapped hair-colour. "I changed, think it looks good on me, babe?"

An smiled, " I like it but maybe you should try having your natural hair colour , it suites you best."
Not that she had every seen his real hair colour but An believed that whatever you were born with is what makes you, you.

Saeki laughed. It was hilarious. "You know, sweetheart", he started teasingly. "This is it. My natural colour. Just like any other Japanese dude's." he laughed again. Oh man. "You owe me a date for that line."

Heat rose up to her cheeks from feeling embarrassed," I don't know why I didn't think that was your natural hair colour but I guess I do owe you. "Saeki was just teasing, he wouldn't ask her on a date just like that… or maybe not.

"It's natural to think that, you know. I've been dyeing my hair since I was ten, so.... even I'm not used to this hair." Saeki felt like the situation was pulling him back to the world of the normal people and that was something he'd wanted for ages now. "Hey, remember that silly New Years resolution I made?"

"It's natural to think that, you know. I've been dyeing my hair since I was ten, so.... even I'm not used to this hair." Saeki felt like the situation was pulling him back to the world of the normal people and that was something he'd wanted for ages now. "Hey, remember that silly New Years resolution I made?"

"Did your Mom help you dye it?" At ten years old An didn't have a clue to how all that worked, now she does just because of Kippei, her Mom never did anything like colour in her hair. Shifting her head a little on her shoulder she thought for a moment, "There were a couple things you wanted to do, umm make someone happy? That's all I can remember."

"Nah, haven't seen my mom in, huh, more than half a year." Saeki yawned, stretching his arms high up, making himself look taller than he was. He'd alienated himself from home too. How pathetic was that? "I went to a barber in the town. Said I wanted my real colour back and he did it. It took me a whole year to get my hair white with the stuff, and only an hour and it was black again. It's kinda funny." Saeki caught himself eyeing a ebony lock of hair suspiciously, and laughed sheepishly, throwing the lock back to the mess and scratching the back on his head. "No, not those. I promised to be your slave for a day. Anything you tell me to do, I'll do, all day. Wanna take me up on that?"

An laughed, "Nooo, I meant when you were younger." She then looked at Saeki suspiciously. Slave for a day? Now she remembered, she hadn't actually taken any of that seriously. "Saeki-san, I really thought you were just kidding around, I don't even want a slave for a day unless it was somebody I didn't like then I'd be fine with that because I would make them do silly things… But I like you and wouldn't know what to do with you." Pausing for a moment she smiled, "We could hang out if you want to."

"No, it was a barber then too. My mom didn't like the idea, so dad..." Saeki paused. His dad had laughed at him and then taken him to the barber's. It had been one of those rare times the man had been home. It was kinda sad, that he'd undone just a big part of their relationship on a whim - it was kinda sad he'd forgotten how his unique hair came to be in the first place. He suddenly wanted to call the man so badly. To hear his voice and maybe talk about stuff. Any stuff. All stuff. He didn't know what, just something. Saeki shook his head and brought himself back to the moment. Whims were good, but they didn't have to rule one's life. They shouldn't rule one's life. "Now, you're taking it way too seriously, cupcake", he chuckled, leaning a bit closer to the girl's height instead of towering above her. He smiled. "Ever played truth or dare?"

Well that made sense, almost no mother would want their ten year old son to dye his hair. " Well when someone says to you, Hey, I'll be your slave for a day! What do you expect them to think?" So maybe she over thought it a bit, she tend to do that sometimes. " Of course I have." Truth or dare was something she hadn't played in a long time, usually she would go and pick truth but now if she were to play dare sounded a lot better.

"Mhyeah, I guess.." The boy smiled a bit. Any mother, yeah right. His mom was special. Huh? Saeki blinked. He'd just felt some real bitterness there. Better drop that train of thought for good. He grinned and pokes his chest with his thumb. "Then, think of it as giving me dares and seeing how far I'm willing to go. Like 'I bet you can't tell that person his hair's ugly', no pun intended."

"Mmmm..." An really had no idea what she could have Saeki do.

"Hey, don't sweat it, babe", Saeki lay his hand down on An's head gently, more like a brother than a boyfriend, but that was just how he was, with younger people. "You figure out something when we go on that date. After the first one, ideas just keep on coming. I promise. I nearly killed this one friend of mine when I couldn't shut down my idea bank. Anyway, please don't tell me to kill myself. so, Saturday okay with you, honey?"

She wrinkled her nose, she felt like a kid when people patted her head, "Yeah I guess so, better get brainstorming then." An laughed, "Yeah I wont do that to you, I want you alive." DId she having something to do Saturday? No... "Saturday is perfect, are we going anywhere in particular?"

"I'll take you somewhere, don't worry about it", Saeki promised, winking his eye. "It'll be unforgettable. In a good way~"

She couldn't hide the blush as she smiled, "I'll take your word for it." An was actually looking forward to this. Now to make sure that her brother never finds outs.

Actually the same thought happened to visit Saeki's mind as well. Should Tachibana find out, it wouldn't be pretty, no way. Saeki almost expected An's brother to stalk them throught the date to make sure he not as much as touched her. Oh well, those thing came when they came, If they ever came. No one had to tell Tachibana he was taking his sister out. He smiled - he hoped - captivatingly. "Please do."

He saluted her with two fingers playfully and went his own sweet way. He really wanted to make that phone call and see if his dad had time to talk a bit. On the way to his room - really the only place he dared make such a personal call - he happened to think, that maybe asking Tachibana little sister out in the middle of the corridor right after classes wasn't the best way to hide the date from her brother. Oh well. Couldn't change anything now.
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