Note: This post was written last week, prior to the big trip. Thanks to the big trip, it's not getting posted until now. Recovery time: WOO.
I'm preparing to go back to CP (yes, again) (yes, I know) for the latter part of this holiday season. Another drive, another trip of some indeterminate length, though most likely shorter than the last one. And I am at the stage of "I probably should be packing but it feels TOO EARLY" and it's making me all jittery. I should nap a little, but despite making a comfy cushion for the cats, the sleep is not coming. I've been loading and charging the MP3 player, but I've gotten to the point where I just want to yell WHY CAN I NOT PUT THIS PLAYLIST ON THE MP3 PLAYER oh right iTunes. *jazz hands*
So I'm at the place where I anxiously browse the Internet, waiting for the next thought to pass through of WHAT TO DO (besides the dishes). I could probably fit in Season 10 of Red vs. Blue, or hey, re-rewatch Season 9, but I want to sort of pay attention to all the plot(holes) this time. I could do my 750. I could tick through my list of errands and see which ones are left. But for the mo', I am going to write this post! And hope the coding half-settles my it's-not-really-nervous-it's-just-AHH nerves.
After a couple of months of bein' flush with music, I hit a month where I just mostly listened to stuff I already had. And now, so will you~
Butterfingers - Yo Mama - Eat more fruit, plant more trees, learn to shoot, travel overseas!
I'm fairly sure this song has come up before, but that's how it goes between me and it: I go for months (many months) without thinking about it, then it pops up one day and it becomes a daily supplement to the musical regimen. It is one long Having Sex With Yo Mom joke, and though the breakdown at the end is a bit *tilts head*, the rest of the song is solid.
SES - Dreams Come True - pretty much
all of it One of the first KPop songs I ever listened to, waaay back in my deep anime days. A buddy mentioned it on Twitter, and in a wash of nostalgia, I looked it up. Turns out that yup, still catchy as when I was listening to it before, woo~
Omar LinX - Cowboy - I was doing fine why the fuck did I involve you?
This one was a SURPRISE!; it popped up in iTunes one day (I've had the album for about a year at this point), sunk its hooks into my brain, and didn't let go. This is the song that had a *fantastic* tendency to play just as I was driving home from some place, which meant I had to go an extra block or so in order to listen to the whole thing. Though they're not next to each on the album, this song feels like it spiritually leads into "Jackie Boy," and--yeah, I played the hell out of that one. So the resonance, it's nice!
Bering Strait - Oy, Moroz Moroz - Oy, moroz moroz, ni moroz menya
I don't think I've mentioned this song before? But it's one of my go-to songs for both chillng out and overemotive singing. It's a version of a Russian folk song; however, if you look up more classic versions of this on YouTube, they all tend to sound more...polka-y. This version sounds much more modern, but also more pleading? Which fits with the songs lyrics. (Which is all about asking Moroz, the Frost, not to kill the rider or his pretty white horse.) (It is a folk song, after all.)
Shakira - Ciega Sordomuda - Bruta, ciega, sordamuda, torpe, traste, testaruda
Ah, good ole good ole Shakira. (Not that I mind stuff like
Rabiosa, but it sometimes does not fit the mood.) The title means "Blind Deaf-Mute"; the song is about being so in love that you're basically reduced to a shambling heap in the presence of that person. I...possibly totally overidentify with that sentiment! But I also like the tune a lot--it makes an excellent walking song--and there's just something about the matter-of-fact way she sings that tickles a good spot in the brain, too.
--okay, that did help. Thanks, LJ! I'll be back soon-ish to, uh, talk about something other than music. I think. Gaming, maybe? I do that, too. And the trip, too! (aaaaah trip aaaah)