Operation Do a Bunch of Things--finished

Apr 15, 2008 22:30

Got up early.

Finished my essay and attended class.

Referred to Proto-Indo-Europeans as "conquering bastards" once, possibly twice. What? They so were. Bite me, Renfrew.

Graded the missing quiz (*FACEPALM*). Alphabetized and graded attendence quizzes.

Took a very short--thank you, my darling kitten--nap.

Wrote wrote wrote wrote posted.

Replied to all my students and got some grades in. More of that tomorrow, since I have now have their attendance quizzes for the next week or so.

Did not, as my sekrit to-doom list stated, go to Wal-Mart and pick up necessary shampoo, screwdrivers, and Monostat (hey, you do three courses of antibiotics and see if you don't get something. THE YOGURT, IT DOES NOTHING). Tomorrow. Maybe. I have an exam to write.

Checked on blood donation appointment--next week, yay! I should be in the clear by then.

And now, I sleep. If the cat will let me this time.

to-doom done, grad school, teaching 101, i burn with tired

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