
May 08, 2009 18:13

To quote Nine Inch Nails: "This is the only time I really feel alive..." Back in the gym today. Cardio was surprisingly easy and my body was like, "Yes!!!"

I am definitely still getting over this cold; my first minute of cool down was the worst (and I know from experience that this is true), coughing, coughing. I chose the machine farthest away from anyone else. But I still made it through 35 minutes without difficulty and no compromise on pace whatsoever. I didn't attempt the workout of the day (10 rounds for time of 135-pound clean and jerk I think?), but did as many Burpees as I could. I figure my white whale (well, besides dead hang pull-ups, of course) is 100 Burpees. I did 60 today. I am going to have to start pyramiding down from 10. To pyramid 100 Burpees (actually, 105), you start at 14, but I'm not there, particularly right now. But I did something and it felt good to be doing it.

If you wear your pants backwards for this stuff, is it Kris-Krossfit?? j/k

Reading: The Mental Floss History of the World by Erik Sass and Steven Weigand. Erik Sass actually went to my high school and was in the same history class that I was in that actually inspired the book. That's not why I bought it; I just thought that it looked cool and funny. I thought, "There's gotta be more than one Erik Sass in the world," but sure enough, in the acknowledgments, he thanks two people I knew in high school (linaeyrs, Justin Schwab and PB!). Anyway, it's entertaining, although I doubt anything will stick. :(

Wearing: Work stuff. Leaving soon, and the moon is full.

Planning: See "Wearing"

burpees, crossfit

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