I have been here for several days already and still have not moved in to my new living space. I do not even know where it is, I probably should have asked that. It is not as though I particularly need the place, but I do enjoy sleeping on occasion. I believe it's somewhere in Mayra. Perhaps I will seek it out tomorrow.
This weekend has proved to be... interesting, so far. I may take a liking to this place should it continue to be so intriguing. For now, I am planning a walk in the snow. Whether or not there will be anyone with me remains to be seen.
Directions to Tayon from Mayra, or vice versa. Give them to me. I am looking for shortest distance by car. Let's see how many speed limits I can break in one trip.
-Euphemisms. Hell is not a replacement for your pointless words-
Some euphemisms have come to my attention lately, that I feel need to be pointed out.
Normally I am all in favor of euphemisms, however these ones rub me the wrong way.
Hell has frozen over: If you have been there, you may use this one; otherwise, cease to use it. You do not know what you are talking about in the slightest.
I Feel Like Shit/Hell: First of all, what are you doing feeling shit in the first place. I do not recommend that. Even I have standards, go wash your hands. Second, if you fell like Hell, you are probably in Hell. There is no smoking in Hell.
getting smashed: on second thought, I approve of this one
Enhanced interrogation Technique/Persuassion: Torture is a far better word
Gentleman's Club: Face it, there are no Gentleman here
Asleep with Jesus: You're bloody dead, and who you are with is up for debate.
Bought the Farm: Who came up with this, honestly? How does this even remotely equate to death unless you bought a farm of rabies infested hyenas.
Carnal Knowledge: I know it sounds positively brilliant, actually, on second thought I like this one too. Do not ever let me catch you using "making whoopee", at least have some pride.
Gentleman Friend: See Gentleman's club
Who/What/Where/When/Why/How the Hell: What exactly do you think Hell means? You are using it wrong.
Picky as Hell: They aren't that picky. In fact, they aren't picky at all. They're very equal opportunity. You are all equally of the opportunity to end up there.
There are quite a few more, really. Way too many for me to bother typing them up.
Go Google yourself, too, while you're at it.
Also. Go buy an apple. They are either tasty or useful depending on your budget. Buy one. No not right this instant you bloody dolts, when the stores open back up. Honestly. Think next time.