Another year older and what do you get?

Dec 02, 2008 06:03

Something something something and deeper in debt.

So today is my 31st Birthday.

List of gifts received:

Cash from some folks.
Ghost Rider the movie from my wife.
Spud Trooper from my sister.
Lego Batman from my parents.

Amused? I am. But it got me to thinking about some stuff, and for me, thinking is rarely a good idea. Especially around important things like holiday, or during other certain events in my life. I get to thinking about where I am, and where I'm going.

Especially after conversations with colleagues like the one I had yesterday with one of the other new teachers to the middle school I now work at. Only, she's not new to the profession as I am, just the school.

Ain and I don't have a lot of money right now, thanks in great part to the economy. I won't lay the blame squarely on anyone's shoulders, and point my finger at the Lame Duck and say 'THIS IS YOUR FAULT!' I don't believe it IS purely his fault. Though that's a tale for another day. I tend to avoid political discussions, because they ARE so charged and heated.

I will just say that the responsibility for the current economy rests not only with the President, but also with Congress. And with persons whose irresponsible financial decisions have affected millions.

I've made irresponsible financial decisions. I pay for it a lot. When I cleared the messages off my phone, of the 17 that were there, all but...two I think were for debt collectors. (This wasn't the space of over a day, more like a week.)

I just thank the Lord daily that I have a job, that I have a paycheck. And that it's doing something that, no matter how much I may complain about individual moments, I do love doing, and it is in a place I love to be. (I am growing to love my adopted community and the school I work at.)

See? Introspective!

Also, I'd like to link this. It's not a place for everyone, but it's a damn good story, I think. And an entertaining idea. Replace 'technology' with 'magic' and you get Tales of Mu. And it's entertaining most of the time. I do not recommend it to anyone who minds tales that get a little racy.

But the economy is hitting our daily fix of webcomics and webfiction as well. Less money all around means less money to donate to people who keep us entertained, and who rely on donations for their weekly pay. So I'm doing what I can, and trying to up her readership in hopes someone else can donate where I cannot. It also makes me wonder if many of my favorite internet fixes are starting to rethink their existence based on the state of things.

Oh, and thank you again Omi, Ain, and Sylaurin for the wicked two-hander mace in WoW. I loves it. Smashy Smashy!
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