Feb 23, 2006 14:30
No, that does not say "Ai Ai" like the Monkey from Super Monkey Ball. Juelz Santana. Nuff said!
So let's see what's going on. Been about qa month or so. Been doing alot, and I'm finally getting stuff up to par, and I decided to stop on by and drop some bombshells...
Starting with Feburary. Really difficult month, since its so short. Kills my funds. I have been working awfully hard, and it paid off finally. Igot my money for the plane tickets. Now comes part two and three. Make enough money to cover prices for travel and to cover rent for two months. Really sticky situations. But I'm going back home. NYC. STAND UP!!!!
Beena good while. Get to start chaos once again. And my two best friends will be back home. Man, it's going to be a dangerously good time back home.
But ok. In Montana. Still too cold, still wanna move and find a better place to live. Still , California is an option. But we'll see what lese pops up.
In other news, Evie shocked the shizzle out of me-cause she was so kind as to give me webspace. SO BEWARE. Q.S IS GOING TO RETURN! OMFG It's going to be great. Though this time, it won't focus on Manga like last time. Gotta work on my Photoshop skills. But at least her host has a PHP/MySQL server and Perl support. I get to create all sorts of files and shit...someday. I really don't have a need for lists yet.
What else? Nothing really. Got my Sword of Omens. Causing chaos with it. Everyone's seen the photos, but yeah, its super sexy :D I have all my Dino Riders I was missing. Quite proud I have allof Season 1 and 2 now. Fuck Season Three. I'll go home, get thE rest of them shipped up, and finally have allI need :D
Got my new phone. Camera UNITE! So ya'll better be careful, you may recieve pics of me on the go. That would jst be silly >D. OR 15 SEC FILMS! OMFG CAN YOU IMAGINE WHAT 15 SECONDS IS? THAT'S--what.. 200 WORDS OUT OF MY MOUTH {NEW YORK SPEED!}
Can you tell I haven't changed?
Umm darkened this layout. Now its readable. Now it's better. and that's how itsstaying. Anyway, Im going to go back to making possible ideas for layouts Not sure if I want menus yet, since its hard to read my fonts when I get design crazy. But I may. Just to get it going.
So yeah that's all. Next month I'll be really rampant. Might even have a preview of what's coming on Q.S...Because I don't even have a clue what will be up on my site XD.