Wow, do we want to talk late, or do we want to talk late?!?!

Jan 17, 2006 00:17

Yo. What the fuck is up, my people.

Well do you really need the nutshell in a nut. Ok.

I'm alive. There it is, in all its glory. But for the nitty gritty tiny shit...

So I umm..shit when was my last entry? I don't even care. I just know that I currently make more money then I know what to do with, hence my now new obsesion with collecting all my Dino Riders again {I need 3 FUCKING MORE!!}just for the sake of saying "Here is my dinorama, do you like it :D"

Umm I also have fell in love with my Dane Cook lovliness and I wish the best for him, as he is a funny little bitch. Absolutely funny. But alright, what can I say that will make you go "Wow, he is a really insightful are dedicated mindfellow that has more than meets the eye when you see him?" Ahh nothing really. I'm still wishing I could sit down for more than 5 hours and do something productive on this computer {So yes that still means I Netbattle all the live long day-though I have been writing down new ideas for strategies. Ironically, I don't do anything new, and I won't until Diamond and Pearl come out, since I'm ALL READY TO LEARN NEW SHIT NOW KTHX :D!!!}

Like my background. It makes this hard to read, I know :D Isin't it great. Fuck LJ for not letting me add tables and shit to it without paying, I'm poor and can't afford many expensessssssss ;( And preset themes never have my kinda flair.

Anyway..I'm still with my g/f, 9 months :O Go me. Or 8. I wish it was 9. No it is 9. Sweet! I can COUNT!! Praise the chapels of Spiflam. But ok. We also have a tiny bit of a situation. Ebay is being a bitch to me and my stuff takes too long to come to me at reasonable prices :O. LET ME HAVE THIS KENTROSAUR AT A LOW PRICE PLEASE!!


Umm is there anything else. No. Job's ok. G/f's ok. I said there'd be pics, but my digicam ish borked and I can't really buy another one for about 2 weeks, so yeah. But umm for all 4 people that read this, feel free to IM me anytime with a HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

I'll TRY!! HONEST TO GOD TRY!! To have somethng more coherent for you all by WEDNESDAY EVENING. That way I can reflect and type out all that has happened.
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