Title: Yes, Jamie
Pairing/s: Two/Jamie
Rating: PG
Warning/s: None.
Word count: 590
Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor who, but I do have a key to the TARDIS.
vandonovan Thanks!! ♥
Summary: Season 6B, immediately after Jamie (sans memory) is returned to the Doctor.
“Doctor.” The word was said with no inflection, no tone. It was just a word.
“Yes, Jamie?” The reply was muffled, coming from underneath the console.
Jamie stood next to the man lying on the floor. He looked down at him. Only his waist and legs were visible. The rest of his body was hidden away amidst things Jamie didn’t recognize, but somehow he did. “That’s your name,” he said, confused.
“Yes, Jamie.” Again, the reply was muffled.
“But it means something else, I think,” Jamie said.
“Oh yes?”
Jamie thought. He could hear echoes in his mind, voices belonging to people he didn’t know. There was a girl’s voice, screaming the Doctor’s name in terror. Another girl’s voice was shouting the Doctor’s name in exasperation. There were men’s voices, calling for the Doctor to help them. Yeti. What did that mean? What was that?
After a minute, the Doctor crawled out from underneath the console and stood up. “They did fix a few circuits, and they’ve added some tracking devices. A little work, and I should be able to circumvent them,” he mumbled. Taking a handkerchief from his pocket, he wiped his hands and face and tucked it back. “What else does my name mean, Jamie?” he asked, looking at the boy.
Jamie reached out with his hand, and stuck it into the Doctor’s coat pocket. Taking out the handkerchief, he stared at it. He pulled it through his fingers. He recognized this. Why did he know this? “I don’t know,” Jamie said, his voice sad.
The Doctor stared into the boy’s face. “I had hoped they would have left you with at least some of your memories. It would have made this so much easier.”
The Doctor smiled sadly. “What do you remember?”
Jamie frowned. After a minute, he looked up at the Doctor. “Where are Ben and Polly?”
The Doctor’s sad smile brightened. “You remember them!”
Jamie nodded slowly. “They should be here,” he said.
“They went back home,” the Doctor said. He took the handkerchief from Jamie’s fingers and tucked it back in his pocket. “Do you remember taking them home?”
Jamie frowned. He saw big metal birds in his mind. They made horrible screeching, howling sounds. After a minute he shook his head.
“Do you remember Victoria?”
Jamie’s frown deepened. He heard a scream in his head, but it was an echo, something that wasn’t there. “I don’t know.”
“What about Zoe?”
Jamie’s mouth was open, his lips moving as if trying to will his mind to remember these people. Zoe. He thought of a horse with a horn on its head and a forest made of words. “I don’t know,” he said, becoming increasingly agitated.
“Do you remember the Brigadier? With the Cybermen?”
Jamie eyes began to tear. Caves. Men that were made of metal. They were dead inside. He shook his head. “I don’t remember, I can’t remember!” He held his fists to his eyes, trying to remember these people the Doctor was talking about. “I can’t remember them, I can’t remember them,” he wept.
Jamie felt two arms surround him. “It’s okay Jamie. You’ll remember in time. I’ll make sure of that.”
The Doctor was holding him, and Jamie felt suddenly very safe. Safe and happy. “Doctor.”
“Yes, Jamie?”
Jamie paused. “I remember this.” He sounded confused. What exactly did he remember? He didn’t know. But there was something on the edge, something vaguely familiar about this. “I remember,” he said again.
“Yes, Jamie,” said the Doctor, holding his friend tightly.