Poem meme

Feb 27, 2010 00:02

If you see this, post a poem in your own LJ today


Zazpi ahizparen gai dan oihala ebakirikan erditik,
alde batera hiru soineko utzirikan, lau bestetik
guraizeakin berezi arren bakoitza bere aldetik,
ezagutzen da jantzi dirala zazpiak oihal batetik.

Oihaltzat hartu zagun euskera, guraizetzat Bidasoa,
ibai koxkor bat besterik ez da, hutsa balitz itsasoa:
elkarren hurbil daude zazpiak, muga deitzen da Pausoa,
zergatik izan behar ez degu famili bakar osoa?

Arbola baten zainetatikan sortzen diran landareak
bezela gera, Bidasoaren bi aldetako jendeak:
berdinak dira gure jatorri, ohiturak eta legeak,
Ama Euskerak magal berean hazitako senideak.

Ama Euskera! bere semeak gu Ameriketan zenbat
arkitzen geran! Ta urrutitik maiteago degu hanbat:
hemen ez dago Bidasoarik ta beste trabik han hainbat;
Ama maitea indartu dedin, bizi bedi Zazpiak Bat.

Pedro Mari Otaño


If we cut by half a fabric that belongs to seven sisters
and we put three dresses in one side and four in the other
even if the scissors have cut it
you can see they all are dressed with the same fabric

Let's pretend that the basque language (Euskara) is the fabric
Let's pretend that the Bidasoa river is the scissor
a small river that would be even smaller if it was an ocean
the seven are one by another, the border is called "one step"
why can't we be one strong and united family?

People from both sides of the Bidasoa
are like plants that come from the same root
we have the same origins, customs and laws
we all are children that grew in Mother Euskara's womb

Mother Euskara, how many of us, your children live in America!
From afar we love you even more
Here there aren't Bidasoas or as many obstacles as there are there
for our beloved Mother to regain her youth, let it all seven sisters live united forever!


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