why does Brutus bootless kneel? and other random things

Nov 28, 2008 15:08

I find myself looking longingly at other people's boots, these days. This sucks, because 1) I hate shopping; and 2) I don't have any money to buy boots anyway. Also, I suspect that the staring probably makes me look a bit creepy. But I've wanted a pair for quite a while now. Actually, I *need* a new winter pair; the ones I have are North Face, and quite warm, but they're not as waterproof as they were when I first got them (in 2004, I think; I'd just moved for grad school), and they're only ankle boots, which is not all that fun in near-blizzard conditions, or before the sidewalks have been cleared. So I need a taller pair.

But I would also like a pair of wellies--which I only remember every time it rains--and a pair of tall boots just for fun; I can't really wear dress shoes because I have ridiculously flat feet, but a pair of boots would at least give me another option.

In other "news," I made pumpkin bread pudding for Thanksgiving, and it turned out pretty well. And it's especially good with vanilla ice cream. So I am happy, although the last thing I need is to eat more.

Oh! And I've just remembered this dream I had the other night. I was in London, checking out a friend's new flat (this was one of those imaginary people the dreaming mind makes up, not anyone I actually know). She'd just inherited it, I think, from a relative she barely knew, but couldn't go to see it, so she sent me instead. It was very large, and I was a bit envious (especially because she sounded so unhappy about having just inherited the flat--it didn't seem like the relative in question had actually *died*, so she was just unhappy about having it), but the main thing I remember is that in the dream I was very careful to refer to the "hobs" when talking about the stoves (there were at least two). In fact, the only reason I remembered this dream at all is because I was watching the Food Network, and Tyler Florence referred to the "eyes" of the stove, which is something that I grew up saying, until I got a bunch of flak about it ("The what?") from various people, and switched to "burners" because it was less of a hassle.

Which does beg the question--where does that term "eyes" come from? My mother always says this, but I'm not sure I know anyone else who does. Except Tyler Florence, I suppose.

food, dreams, life, i fail at girliness, clothing not of the renaissance, london, words words words

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