
Jan 08, 2009 18:25

If you look Matt Smith up on IMDb, he is actually the eleventh "Matt Smith" listed. I am easily amused.

I don't know whom I would have cast in the part (I went back and forth between "ooh Paterson Joseph would be cool!" and "hmmm, that's even weirder than the whole Adeola/Martha thing!"). But now that Smith has been cast, I think it would be hilarious if he were completely indignant about the regeneration process and how he'd come out looking so young. After Ten's "just walk about like you own the place," lots could be done with a Doctor who isn't automatically accorded respect, since he looks like a teenager, and how he'd have to work harder to get around that.* He'd be like a time-traveling Doogie Howser. I could see how that could get annoying fast, but done once or twice I think it could be an interesting way to use Smith's age.

*This would also be the case, and more so, if they'd cast an actor of color or a woman. Or both. But work with what you've got, eh?

In kind-of-related news, a friend of mine went to England and brought me back a Doctor Who souvenir--and he specially went looking for, and found, something with my Martha on it, which made my day.

doctor who, matt smith, martha jones

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