This week was less about words and more about plans and revisions and other such non-word-enhancing stuff. The part that was about writing at all, I mean; we had (awesome!!) guests all week, so basically no brain power was devoted to writing stuff until yesterday.
+ Yesterday,
poisonivory and I spent about five hours re-working a lot of character/story arch/background for the stuff we've been working on sporadically for like five years now. (Wow, by the way. Five years.) It was extremely productive and lots of good ideas came out of it. YAY.
+ Today, I actually sat down at my desk (instead of my couch), in an attempt to trick my brain into treating the novel like Serious Business. I went back and did a read-through and some major revisions to the three chapters I've been struggling with since, oh, February. (See, this wwc business is useful because I can track when I reached this point...) On the one hand, AUGH, REALLY? Six months for THREE CHAPTERS? Faaaaail. (I know this is mostly because I've been distracted by fannishness, but still.) On the other hand, I feel a lot more okay with these three chapters now, and am happy to finally be able to move on.
So... maybe I'll try to keep up that momentum and focus on the novel itself for awhile. I'm not feeling super inspired by any of the fannish plotbunnies I'm playing with, so maybe I can capitalize on this moment of indecision. I mean, come on. I've got 59 out of 80k rewritten! I AM GOING TO FINISH THIS SOMEDAY.