Day 2: The Lurkers Support me in Email

Jan 23, 2014 21:08

From the4ts: How did you find fandom (or how did it find you)?

I've been fannish since before I remember: my mother complained that her ante natal classes clashed with Star Trek. We collected the novelisations by James Blish, and then the novels as they were published. My first fanfic was Day of the Triffids, based mostly on the little bits I'd heard from the stairs while my parents were watching it on tv and consequently (lacking LJ or tumblr) containing the very worst symptoms of 'I didn't ever see the show but'-itis.

At high school, around 13 or so, some of us started playing AD&D. About the same time I started babysitting, and regular money in my pocket meant my world expanded very fast. Suddenly, I could buy my own books and magazines and multi-sided dice :)

So I had White Dwarf and Dreamwatch, and later, SFX and Cult TV-- so I guess you might say I found fandom somewhere in there: I read about cons, but never considered going; read but never wrote in. And I didn't get internet until 1994ish, when the second thing I ever looked up was Usenet, and

Frankly, it wasn't a great start: I lurked a lot, and watched other people participate. I read everything on the Gossamer archive ... but didn't write. I found slash. Got a job. (Wrote a dissertation on fanfic and copyright :g:) Moved into a flatshare with cable tv -- and Voyager and Highlander. Discovered ASCEM, BLTS and the PKSP; and HighLa-L and Richie-L.

Bought a pc.

Got an AOL account and a pseudonym.

Hello fandom :)

(I still have lots of days free to talk...)

Cross-posted on Dreamwidth, with

30 days of rambling

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