Day 1: Count your blessings

Jan 18, 2014 00:34

Stageira: What is your happiest memory of fandom?

There are a lot of happy memories. A *lot*. I really don't know if I can rank them. I mean, I could rank some of the worst, but that's not really super on point. Some are things which make me feel warm and fuzzy to look back on, and some which were just awesome at the time, but maybe don't linger.

The thing about fandom... is almost all my friends now are fannish in some way. There are very few who aren't. So when I talk about fandom it's a lot of things, but mostly it's the people who I've become friends with, who I see at parties and slashbashes and online and at cons and events and when they come to London or when I travel abroad.

I'm gonna go with some highlights that make me smile yet. I could go on forever, but I'll try not to :)

Dalek ring toss. Joe Flanigan accidentally peering down Claire's shirt. Michael Rosenbaum protesting 'I'm not short!' after taking his picture with the tallest woman I know, in response to Claire trying to comfort him by saying everyone looks short next to Misha.

Pimping Claire into Teen Wolf by pinpointing her weak spots and presenting her with catnip :) Chris Argent and Peter Hale will never be the same again, and I think that's a good thing :)

Claire and I reciting the whole of Queen's Flash, as a conversation. Katemonkey reciting Common People in the style of William Shatner. Claire performing SGA through the medium of interpretive dance -- and Tiki laughing so hard she can't actually breath, while msmanna beats her head gently on the table,

The moment when Claire walked out of the bathroom at the Norbreck and the shower cut out, and for a split second believed me when I said that it had a motion sensor and was a water saving technology (no, really, the Norbreck's showers were just that shitty).

Telling Joss Whedon that if he wanted a particular song played, Marwen would put it on, he just had to ask. And then watching him light up like a kid and bop around to Abba's Dancing Queen on the most crowded dancefloor I have ever seen.

Sitting with Claire in the queue for Alexis Denisof at 5 in the morning, with the bemused/amused waiters bringing us cups of tea.

Misha & Kay telling me to stay calm, stay calm as the auction crept higher and higher and I was still bidding. And winning it! I bought the single most expensive thing I had ever purchased: a sword autographed by the four horsemen of the apocalypse and Stan Kirsch.

Dressing up and taking over the dance floor at Chron 98. Winning the fricking masquerade at Homeland in 99 and rocking the entire room DESPITE what we were singing :g: -- all down to Tash and Sophie's powers of persuasion, and of course, the glories of Who Do You think You Are (Some Kind of Highlander?)

Getting gift fics that made me smile so much.

The kind of group hug dance thing that accompanied Who Wants to Live Forever. Con dances. Mocking up our own country style dance to Cotton Eye Joe with Seph and nearly killing the dance floor. Doing Prince Charming with the whole gang and completely clearing the dancefloor. Doing the cancan :g:

Oh, oh, doing the Macarena to EVERYTHING. The two favourites: firestarter, and best of all, In the Navy, where we started out on the beat and it was too slow, and I yelled double time! and we DID it, it was way too fast, but we laughed like drains.

Writing the Good Guys/Bad Guys conventions stories, and slow mo-ing Tragedy so Lillith could animate stickfigure gifs for it :)

Running Connotations for ten years. There's a lot of good things there. Too many to enumerate. Slash pictionary. Tash saying 'twincest isn't icky!' and Soph edging away from her. Waves and WAVES of pleasure :g: Gay prawns yay!

Writing and seeing other people enjoying what I wrote :) There's nothing quite like that :)

Going to see plays and films, concerts and gigs; buying McDonalds for Four Star Mary, running the disco at Page's Bar once a month for about five months; visiting people (the immigration guy at LAX who asked me if I was sure it was a good idea to visit people I'd met online; the housemates who nervously told me they'd stay downstairs in case Mandragora turned out to be an axe murderer); learn, educate, make terrible puns and write overwrought poetry and purple prose. Watchinb terrible tv (Dante's Cove!).

Making friends who I could lean on in good times and bad. Al and Claire just turning up driving 600 miles to basically hug me and feed me. Seph & M letting me crash at their place when being alone seemed too awful to contemplate. Mandragora dragging me out to see Mamma Mia, just to make me smile.

I can't give you single happiest memory, because in their own way there are a million happiest memories. And they keep on coming :)

That's probably why I'm still here :)

Still lots of days left to leave me a question...
Cross-posted on Dreamwidth, with

30 days of rambling

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