Party like its uh... well... pre-halloween? O.o;;;

Oct 31, 2005 04:09

Mmm, just enjoyed my 2 days off. In an attempt to utilize my precious hours off work I decided that as little sleep as possible is the best route.
First things first, after getting off work at 7am on saturday morning I of course drove straight home to wash the smell of old off my body. Easy enough. I then call my mother to see if she would like to go out to breakfast with my great grandmother, she is turning uh... I think 97 on the 31st and she -HATES- halloween so always gotta celebrate early. Without calling my grandmother to let her know we are doing this, very wise, I wind up over at my mother's house ready to go. This is when we realize its a good idea to call good ol' granny, she happens to have the flu, so uh... that was fun ^_^ Anyway I made a huge mess over at my mother's, waffles and of course leaving the mess for my little sister Lisa who happened to tick me off by throwing my waffle for her away >(
At a little before noon I call Pammy, gotta stay awake somehow and my mother was getting ready to go out with some friends. I ask Pam to see if she would like to go swimming up at Balley's, well of course! Anytime is a good time to swim! Rain or shine! Day or night! In this case its pouring down rain and mid-day, but if you are really from washington you will know that it doesn't matter how much rain is coming down you still have to be IN the pool. Anyway, I go home, take shower #2, grab my swimsuit and things and thus head over to Pammy's who is sound asleep, lmao. I hussle her out the door and am on my way for mission stay awake through mid-day! We get to balley's check in, I realize I have forgotten both my towel and my brush, I think gooderest =D We begin our 3 hours of swimming, stealing boogie boards from screaming children and lounging in the steam room and causing havock in the hot tub, happily of course its pouring rain outside <3 Afterwards I solve my towel problem by raiding the paper towel dispenser in the women's locker room.
We then decide that walking around the mall for the halloween sales is a good idea and quickly hit up the halloween boutique and a few other stores cause uh... I like shopping for new clothes o.o Pammy bought some cute little black and burgendy wings and then we went and visited Heather Shadell, haven't seen her in years, who happened to be working in the calender store just next door o.o After bullshitting for a bit we hit up food, yay, my favorite part of the day, eating. blah blah blah, this is getting really long and boring, anyway we ran through the mall and then went home at about 5-6ish when I had to get ready for woe. Before heading home Pam tells me that Sandy came down to visit last night, I of course missed out having had to work the previous night and make the suggestion to go up and visit her and maybe gorge on junk food and watch some cheesy scary movies or something. So before woe we get this all set up to head up there at about 9ish, post woe mind you /shy
Woe was uh... woe... not too many people wanna hear about this so uh... I'll skip it and just say DI pwn'd and uh... yeah, whoo.
Anyway after I get done with WoE I head over to pick up Heather, my ass is starting to drag at this point and I sit on the couch and stare into space for a bit waiting for Heather to finish packing and updating her ipod. We then head to pick up Pam, she brought her lappy incase the wireless router worked so she could play RO at Sandy's, lmao. Once done we finally head up to sandy's and we get there about 11-12ish. This is great because we realize its daylight savings and I have thusly just gained an extra hour on my day off! YAY! We run to the store before everything closes and we buy some of the watermelon smirnoff, stuff for me to make my famous 'splodey nachos, pizza crap, and a few different types of chips, oh! And some chocolate cupcakes. Back at the house Heather proceeds to complain about how awful my nachos are while she burns the crap out of her pizza. Sandy proceeded to make drinks out of all the crap she had left over from her birthday, and holy shit it was alot o.o;;; She made marguritas and some pink fruity thing that had peach in it I think, and some other crap.
Now movie wise we were a bit too late to go to the video store but Pam had brought some movies, so we wound up watching The Grudge and 28 Days Later. We laughed our asses off through both of them and made endless resident evil jokes at 28 Days Later. About halfway through one of the movies, can't remember which a friend of Sandy's from RO called, named Withered Rose, I think, and she wound up showing up. She had just come from a party of her own and was also lacking sleepy and probably had a little too much to drink so we got along real well.
Finally at about 5-6am Betsy (rose) went home sometime around there and we all sort of crashed. This was all well and good until about 8-9am I wake up and I reaaaaaaaaally needed some sleep. I keep trying to fall back asleep but just can't, my head was on like hyper drive, you know how that works. Seemed like the more I told myself the sleep the more my head tended to wander. After awhile Sandy's mother woke up and her dance class that she teaches out of her home started and the loud music set in... Needless to say it was a good while before I fell back asleep, probably about noonish. Sandy then woke me up at 3, grand total of about 5-6hours sleep and we then went to Uwaji where we proceeded to buy expensive japanese crap.
Pam bought a very lovely book, can't remember who it was, but it was a collection of this guys art, the guy who did the art for War of Genesis III and Magnacarte or whatever. Sandy and Heather both got their manga and I of course bought food, <3 food. We all gorged again and then headed back to Sandy's house, on the way we got a call from Betsy and she we wound up meeting up at Sandy's house again, we also called Gabe and Akiko to see if they wanted to come too. After playing a bit of phone tag it turns out we all need MORE food. So we wait for Betsy to show, in the mean time Heather kicked my ass at Soul Calibur III, totally awesome!
Anyway, after the stabbing we went to Shari's for the more food thing. We proceeded to scream and yell and cause a ruckus which was fun, Sandy and Pam did little RO doodles of everybody and Heather and I fought over the ranch. I wound up getting up for something and the waitress stopped me to compliment me on my new boots! HA! Take that Heather! Retardedly expensive or not they are hella nice! I even made her touch them cause they are super soft and she did and wants to get a pair of her own, maybe in the cognac color she said ^_^
After fooding and being a general annoyance to the staff and guests at Shari's we flee to go back to Sandy's to watch this movie Gabe brought over called Gamers or something. It was sooooooo awful but wonderful XD It was this terrible movie about these guys playing D&D and they act it out with costumes and stuff and everything. The best thing is its done right in my home town. At Pacific Lutheran University (PLU) which is like... 10-20min away. I wound up dozing for a few during the movie so missed a bit of it, I would really recommend watching it, its hilarious! Specially Liav cause uh... well... she is a geek /shy
After movie we watched Pam play RO on Sandy's computer and basically bullshitted until about 2am ish where we decided its probably time to leave Sandy's house before her parents kill us /swt Driving home we hydroplaned like the entire way cause its was pouring rain, the weather man wasn't kidding when he said "saturday: Storms sunday: expect more storms". Anyway, we dropped everybody off one by one and now I'm home and feeling very tired but feeling I spent my days off very well /ok Tomorrow is Aleeza's halloween/birthday party and Imma try to swing by before I head back to work. Ah... I feel good about how today went.
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