I'm just in the mountains, and that means I have two hours or so of rather slow internet a day, which I have primarily spent looking up... more recipes. I will cook ALL the things! Other than the cooking, life's been pleasant and reasonably uninteresting - first snow in February, wtf. Sauna last night! Mother sick. Again. Tiny dogs smelt funny, so I washed them. Major annoying thing: the episode of Criminal Minds I was watching got yanked from the interwebs ten minutes before the end. And everyone who watches television knows that in a forty-minute episode, that's when Events Commence. With drama! And shootouts! Probably not this time, but the evildoers in question were dickfaces and I really wanted to see them get their just desserts.
Speaking of desserts! I have made truffles! Delicious ones - a batch of Nocello truffles and a batch of rosewater-cardamom a la the
French Broad Chocolate Lounge's Indian Kulfi hot chocolate, to which I have a strong addiction. Also I made a venison roast and cinnamon raisin bread and pumpkin-poppyseed muffins. Today I am making stuffed butternut squash and a lamb roast and lentil salad and hearth bread, because apparently my mum thinks that having me home means she has a personal chef for Valentine's Day - and to be quite honest, I'm totally good with that.
For all that not much is happening, though, I've been staying pretty occupied...