Ryopi oneshot!

Dec 28, 2010 20:08

Sorry it's been an awful long time since i've updated..
i bring u today a Ryopi oneshot which i find lacking on the market.. ^^
i'll definitely continue my other fic, just be patient!

Title: Collection
Author: tellytelly 
Genre:  romance , mystery
Rating: PG -15
Pairing: Ryopi
Summary:   Written in first person view from Pi.

I had never imagined I would fall for a man...

For one thing I was one of the most celebrated athletes in my highschool, I had good grades, good looks, good family background. Don’t take me wrong I am definitely not conceited, but this only makes it more confusing to me that I should choose him out of all those people, out of all the girls that squirm up to me, and they’re beautiful girls at that, some make me lunch boxes, some knit me scarves. However when I look at them, there isn’t that heart pounding feeling one should feel when falling in love. You know what I mean, maybe I watch too much doramas, that’s the effect of having a mom and a younger sister only I guess. I’m too much immersed in a female environment. That’s probably why I decided to turn the other way and fall for a guy. Another reason might be because I’m a man of challenges. The more a person ignores me, the more I get intrigued. Right, I’m a man of challenges.

This guy namely Nishikido Ryo, is in the same class as me, but we never talked. Well he never talks to anyone to be exact, whilst I’m chit chatting with my fan base, at the corner of my eye I see him sitting there supporting his chin on his hand and starring out the window. I wonder why the girls don’t find him attractive, they never squirm up to him. I think it’s cause Nishikido can be so utterly mean and ignore them completely so the girls had given up, though I would never know, I can’t possibly ask the girls why, not to mention asking Nishikido himself.

Nishikido has a mysterious aura around him, he’s dark, not tanned that kind of dark, but dark as in like a vampire. He doesn’t speak much, even when the teacher calls his name in roll call, he doesn’t speak up, the teacher then searches around the room, sees him and checks. It’s almost like seeing rare endangered species if you get a chance to hear him speak, and it’s a joy for explorers and collectors like me. Ever since I’ve been put in the same class with him since the first year of senior high, my hobby of collecting signed baseballs and bats and cards has gradually evolved to collecting what Nishikido had said. And his voice, his voice is so husky and sensual I really wish one day I would hear him say my name. That, I bet, is harder than seeing the North and South Koreans join, Nishikido probably doesn’t even know my name.

All I’ve collected till now are short phrases Nishikido says, like “ya” and “excuse me.” I know, that’s nothing to brag about, but that makes it even more exciting to hear things like “I’ll like to leave early today.” Though that time I spent the rest of the school day wondering where Nishikido went, that 6 word sentence has lingered on in my mind keeping me quite satisfied for a long time.

By now you’d probably think Nishikido was one who skipped school a lot and had awful grades, had hair all over his face and uniform ragged and crumbled. On the contrary, Nishikido had always been at the top of the class even though it seemed like his mind was wandering elsewhere during lessons, he was scrupulously punctual and had never skipped school for nothing at all. His uniform was tidy, well pressed and clean, and although his bangs do run over his eyes, his face was the most handsome I had ever seen. Eyes deep and dark, nose tall and straight, skin smooth and hair dark as coal. He had a very lean figure, I wondered if it was because he never ate, at least I’ve never seen him eat.

But Nishikido had no friends and no hobbies, when everyone stayed behind after school to participate in club activities, Nishikido would pack up and leave straight on time. I’ve never seen him with anybody, no guys, no girls. Even the teachers don’t bother him if not absolutely indicated. He was among us but it was like he was in his own isolated world where any sort of interaction was cut off. Nobody cared less about budging in and he had no intentions of coming out. At one time I even suspected that I was the only person that actually saw him, was he just a hallucination I’ve made up for myself to fulfill my imaginations. Luckily I proved myself sane after seeing his name on the top of the Honors list in the hallway, my name being second. Everyone started discussing about this figure like they’re never heard about it.

I wondered if putting so much attention on one person meant that I liked that person, one thing was true though, I was immensely interested in Nishikido, this condition became so severe that since the second year of highschool, I had stopped dating anyone. I didn’t want to lie to anybody or cheat my own heart, there was nobody else I could lay my eyes onto without thinking about Nishikido. And I mean so even when I’m at home alone, normal boys would probably jerk off to a beautiful sexy woman from porn magazine whereas I would close my eyes and satisfy myself with Ryo on the back of my head. It’s pathetic you may think, a handsome desirable male like me having no other than imaginations to keep me warm. But that’s exactly how much I feel for him.

And why would I be so chicken as to never try talking to him, I cannot explain this myself. Maybe I was afraid he would ignore me and that would make me look really stupid. If I ever had the chance to be alone with him, I might try talking to him, in that case even if he acted deaf, nobody could tease me right? I was desperately waiting for that moment where we would be alone.

It came one day when I was totally non suspecting. Nishikido had been absent from school for a week, nobody really took much notice. I was squirming uncomfortably in my seat since not seeing him for one week was detrimental to my own health, but I presume he must have been in awful state, like I said, he had never missed school.

“Yamashita-kun” my teacher called out whilst I was in dreamland, and the next thing I knew, I was holding onto a piece of paper with Nishikido’s address and the pile of homework and notice my teacher wanted me to bring to him, and heading to his place. My friends actually pitied me for being bestowed upon such an errand. Little did they know my heart was floating in air, legs wobbly aside.

Nishikido’s place was some little discreet cottage on another side of town. I mustered my courage and knocked on the white doors so white they looked like a fresh coat of paint was just covered in the morning. I bought a few apples on the way, I didn’t know whether he fancied apples but I hope he would get well faster with their help.

I had expected Mrs Nishikido to come to the door so I straightened my uniform and waited. After a few more knocks, to my surprise, Nishikido himself swinged the door open and was there standing in front of me.

He was in his school uniform, as clean and neatly pressed as it always had been and looked straight at me with his huge dark eyes. His penetrating stare almost gave me a heart attack, but soon he looked away and went back into his house leaving the door open indicating I should follow.

Why would he be wearing a school uniform? I had no idea, maybe he had intended to come to school today but was too ill in the end. I followed him in and looked around the house. It was very clean, maybe plain was a better word, there was not much furniture, not much of anything, just a white couch, a TV, a white carpet, a glass table and 4 white walls. Nishikido went on to sit on the couch, I stood there somewhat dumbfounded, piecing together what I had to say. I had been rehearsing whilst I was walking there but that instance my mind went blank and I couldn’t think of anything sensible to start off.

“W-what are you doing here Nishikido-kun?” These were the words that rolled off my tongue, they sounded somewhat intrusive though I was glad I finally said something.

“Watching porn.”

Were the 2 words he gave me back in reply. I got so flustered after hearing this I couldn’t think of a sentence to continue the much awaited conversation.

“You can join me if you like.” Were the next words he said when I stood there like a statue. Let’s say it’s not totally weird that a young teenage boy spends his sick leave at home watching porn, in fact, it was totally normal, and I do not discriminate Nishikido one bit for being so frank either. It was just that in the back of my mind, I thought Nishikido wasn’t interested in anything, especially humanly desires.

I somewhat obeyed and walked slowly over to the next seat on the sofa. He turned on the television and sure enough, it was showing some quite explicit pornographic videos. To be honest, it was my very first time watching such movies, I did mention I had a mother and younger sister, these sorts of stuff were naturally prohibited in the Yamashita home. But it’s not to mean I was totally ignorant to how it worked. I sat down quietly next to Nishikido, the proximity and the scenes and sounds from the TV were making my insides boil. I was certain my face was blushing and my member started twitching against its confinements. I was yearning to touch myself but I stayed frozen on spot from the embarrassment.

I dare not turn to look at Nishikido, I wondered what he was doing there and then, but he was so awfully quiet I took a sneak peek over at him. It was the cutest scene I had ever seen and I could never forget. No he was not jerking himself off, I would not describe that as cute. Nishikido was fast asleep, head resting on the armrest and knees curled up to his tummy, he looked so peaceful and angelic and he was so quiet one could even hear the drops of water falling off the roof. His long lashes flickered occasionally and whatever erotic disgusting sounds from the TV went obscured.

I leaned closer, to check if he was alive, no intensions of stealing a kiss from him I swear. Nishikido suddenly opened his eyes and sat straight, he starred at me for a while then stood up and walked up the stairs. I could only follow, there was this magnetic force he emitted which I could not pull away from, I hastily turned back to switch off the TV and followed suit.

His room was very much like the living room, plain and almost empty. There was a doubles bed covered in clean white sheets and fluffy duvets like those in hotels. There was a desk at one side with a few books, a pen and a lamp. I would like to describe more but that was precisely all there was. Nishikido climbed into his bed and was successfully buried in the fluff of the blanket.

“Shouldn’t you change into your PJs, that’s surely more comfortable.” I managed to say.

“It’s either this or I’ll have to go naked.” He replied. I cannot understand why everything he says makes my heart jump. Today was a big day for me, I hope I could meticulously remember every single word Nishikido said with no mistakes and keep it in my collection.

I didn’t reply to his statement, I couldn’t tell him, “Then go naked.” Which would too obviously show how desparate I was getting, not to forget my still unsatisfied member waiting for me.

He peeked his head out of his covers and looked at me. “You’d rather I go naked don’t you?”

How did he read my mind? I absolutely didn’t know at that juncture, but then I found out.

“Do you need help with that or you can do it yourself, the bathroom’s that way.” He raised his brows and looked over another corner, I stood stupefied for a moment till I realized the obvious bulge in my pants which were angled to his level of eyesight quite perfectly. I blushed and rushed to the bathroom immediately.

When I came back Nishikido was again fast asleep, I thought it wasn’t too polite to leave when someone was sleeping, especially a sick person, you know, he could literally die any moment and his parents weren’t home yet. My watch ticked and soon it was 9pm, outside everything was already dark and the gusts of wind were hitting on the window. I went over and closed them because it was getting a bit chilly, to say the truth, the whole atmosphere was quite creepy, there was no coziness to this room, all white and empty.

I leaned close again to find the only warmth in the room, sleeping soundly like a baby. He was beautiful, so beautiful I didn’t mind spending another million hours starring at him. As if sensing my presence, he slowly opened his eyes again and we were looking at each other only some few inches apart.

“You do like looking at me don’t you…” he started. His voice was soft but I wouldn’t fail to capture every single word. I nodded, what else could I say, it wasn’t the time to deny how addicted to him I was. “Do you want to make love to me?” He asked. As blunt and direct as that, I could never understand why some people could do it whereas I could never. It would be very hard if one got rejected wouldn’t it? But I guess my feelings for him were literally drawn on my face. I leaned in closer, I presume he was giving me permission and I wasn’t going to let this chance slip by. Our lips joined and it was the most magical moment I have ever imagined. His lips were soft and tender. The kiss was however as light as his voice.

“If I made love to you, I would disappear.” Were his next words.

I couldn’t make out any sense in that sentence and my body wasn’t going to let me stop. “I won’t let that happen.” Was what I casually vowed for before I moved in and captured his lips again.

I crawled under his duvet, it was very warm and comfy inside, I rolled myself onto him and quietly we removed our uniforms as our hands wandered over each other. I was in heaven, our bodies joined and we maneuvered smoothly against each other, when Nishikido came, he yelled out my name in full, right, Yamashita Tomohisa, I experienced ecstasy I could never imagine.

I fell into a deep slumber afterwards.

I woke up alone and naked in his bed. I thought Ryo was at the bathroom or downstairs in the kitchen. I turned my head down to retrieve the watch I pulled off, it read January 1st. I laughed because it was quite impossible, maybe my watch had broke when I threw it down, when I came here it was only Dec 28th, there was no way I would wake up a few days later. I pulled on my shirt and went downstairs, then I came up again when nobody was there, I panicked as I rewinded Ryo’s words in my head. If I made love to you, I would disappear…

Frantically I opened all the other doors on the second floor only to find them all empty and white with 4 walls and not even windows. I opened his closet and found some like 10 identical school uniforms all neatly pressed and hung at precisely 5 centimeters apart from the next.

Dejected, I put on my school uniform and went back home. My mother cried when she saw me and wrapped her arms around me so tightly I could asphyxiate, this was a small town and there were news about me having gone missing after school in every consecutive day I was gone. The police came to interview me afterwards but there was nothing I could tell them, I made up a story saying I saw my favourite baseball player so I followed him and got lost in another town. The police seemed to take my word for it, my mother ruffled my hair and sniffed in ease now that her son was back. When my mother was aside completing the documents from the police, I asked them whether they knew where Nishikido Ryo was. They schemed through their computer and told me this name was not registered.

When I got back to school the next day, my friends and my fans gathered around me and asked me this and that. Some girls were even crying worried that I had somehow disappeared for good. Their voices were all blurred into a big blotch of mist in my head, I couldn’t understand any of it for I could only think about Nishikido Ryo. Where was he? I couldn’t possibly be imaging all of this for 3 years.

I ran to the hallway which startled the crowd around me as they followed. I was resolute in finding proof that he existed. In hopelessness I found my name on the top of the Honor’s list. “You nerd!” my friends let out a sigh when they realized what I was at and patted my back, “You’re on the top, don’t worry!”

I was in utter mystification. Nobody but nobody recognized that Nishikido Ryo existed. I brought my friends who were worried about my state to Nishikido’s house but I was unable to find it.

Did my selfishness make him disappear?

My heart would still wrench whenever I think about this.

With me now are only the collection of memories and his words .

I still wonder now and then…did I really fall for a man?


How was it!?? i hoped u liked it.
plssss comment anyhow, it's the only thing i get after spending hours writing this ^^

and i'll be going to Japan tonight!!!!
with luck i'll be able to catch 2 Kanjani concerts!! XD
so excited!!
i'll be writing my reports if i do successfully get my tickets! stay tuned!

fanfic, ryopi

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