hello fellow NEWS lovers
it's been a really awesome experience getting to go to NEWS' concerts this year, but sadly, all the fun has ended for me already cos i won't be going to their last concert tomorrow.
it has also been happy for me to bring u some of the concert moments and i loved reading all your comments!!
i know i'm extremely blessed and lucky and i really want to share this happiness with all of you :)
so here's my last report ~
Today, i was on the arena seats, which were of course spectacular!!! cos i could get a closer look at all of them :) the downside is cos they are all level, if the one in front is too tall, they block your view, and sometimes the members walk too far it's impossible to see them >< so i had a hard time following Ryo today, but thanks to
decemberpie and
koyashige90 i'm able to give u a more rounded report .
HIGHLIGHTS today are experiences with the 2 LJ members above, pls read on. XP
1. the start of it is just like always, but becos i got a seat down at the arena, all those pedals and ribbons came flowing down on me. and Ryo popped out from a balloon right at the podium closest to mine!!!! YAY!!!
2. not much Ryopi love today during where Ryo pushed Shige away yesterday >< Ryo actually looked kinda bored at a few times today. during Sakura girl, Massu hugged Ryo and Ryo kinda shoke him away with a playful smile tho thank god..lol
3. The Koyashige part called Iitai dake had this part where they would talk and make jokes according to themes brought on on the screen. and today there was this topic, "If u were a keiji (police)" and then, the one who had to answer was Ryo!!! and he popped up on the screen just sitting there backstage and playing with his belt, then he noticed the camera was on him, and he acted out what he would do if he was a police, and what he did was, in his sexy husky voice rather quietly, pointed a finger at the camera, turned his head up so his eyes were half closed and make a fake shot aiming at the camera, i don't quite know what he said, i guess it was like he wants to capture us or something, and then of course, earned a hell lot of Kyaaing from the audience!!! then the screen closed and it was back to Koyashige, and Shige said "Kakkoi!"
4. During MC, Ryo did say something tho not a lot, Pi rather said more than usual today, but i'll wait till the MC reports come up cos i don't really remember exactly. Koyama brought up the topic about Ryo's parents having came to the concert yesterday, and Ryo got all shy and smiley, and said they went out for dinner afterwards ( not an expensive dinner like u would have imagined, he said it was ramen and sth) , and said he only had a meal with his family like 3-4 times a year. (Awwwww...) and he was saying, they didn't really go to his concerts in Osaka, but this time, he suddenly asked and they said Sure, they'll come, just like that. lol. Then they talked about costumes, and Ryo said when he received a picture on his phone of the fur they'll be wearing at the concert ( there was this costume where each of them had some fur, either like a coat or scarf etc.) and Ryo's first expression was "KOWAI!" (scary!) and he said he really didn't want those furs, so in the end he had one of those "fox tails" (which are kinda hit here in japan rite now, where ppl hang it on their keys or bags) hanging on his back belts whereas the others all had a big piece of fur on their bodies. (i swear Massu looked kinda disappointed at Ryo's frank comment ...awww...poor Massu)
5. Code time! today, Ryo sang "CARE" !!! YAY!!! and guess why? Because AKANISHI JIN was here!!!! nope, he didn't come on stage, but Ryo was basically saying how Jin was here and how he wished Jin would work his best in the states. (RyoJin moment there ^^)
6. in Kibou Yell~ Ryo was again jumping on those gondolas when the phrase "Bounce bounce bounce with me" came up.. other times he was just shaking like mad, or standing at the edge so the basket was tilted . (CAREFUL RYO!!!!) and i must say, looking up at him from down at the arena, with all those bright shining lights was like looking at God , amen. (>___< ") (sorry if there are christians out there, but to me, Ryo IS like God, i should be saying sorry to God ><)
7. For DTF, that's the first encore, everybody was having a swell time jumping and playing with each other and gathering to sing at the camera, but Ryo was just standing there holding a mike at the other end of everyone else and bearly joining in >< one of his blank moments again..
8. For the last encore, Koi no ABO, whilst everyone was walking to the centre, Ryo walked off alone to another part of the stage by himself again!!! (why so solitude today!) anyway, some fangirls were really lucky cos Ryo went up to the front stands and held hands with them, and basically stood in front of them for a long while. Awwwwww....
9. Finally, some fanservice from Ryoshige, Shige brings out this camera everytime during the 2nd encore, and this time, he's aiming his lenses at Ryo quite a lot, and for one time, Ryo actually stood there and posed for Shige holding both his arms up and that big wide teethy smile ^^
10. Last but not least, whilst everyone was walking back inside, Ryo actually stood there and said his farewell , which was another melting message which was like this, not exact wording " I wish deeply in my heart that i will soon meet every one of you again, and that would be tonight...in my dreams." (pls imagine this with Ryo's deep shy and quiet voice) KYAAAAAAAAAAAA~~~ all over the dome again!!
NOW, for the spectacular experience that happened with
koyashige90 and
decemberpie (sadly not me, and i must say, for everyone too, that i am soooooooooo jealous of them!!!!) and this is what happened, so they got really good seats on the arena close to the aisles, and they were like only a few meters from the podium, and Ryo passed by and spotted them!!!! (they were obviously very foreign looking) and decemberpie had this Ryo uchiwa that must have attracted Ryo as well, and he basically talked to them!!!!!! asked them where they were from, and they answered, and he said "Sou, sou" and walked away smilling, then towards the end of the concert, Ryo came back and waved them bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! isn't this tooooo awesome! Ryo remembers them!!!!!! I"M DEAD JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! really, it's so nice to have a foreign face in these circumstances, all i could say was I think Ryo did looked at me, but he was probably looking at everyone around too ...>____<... boo, i wished i were a pretty blond girl.
^__________^ I've gotten permission from Decemberpie and Koyashige90 to write about this, they're absolutely floating on the clouds , and both of them admit that Ryo is absolutely gorgeous.... (awwwwwww.............i know he is................sigh.........................)
what a great experience for them :)
i really have to sleep now, it's been one exciting day after the next and i'm exhausted, i intend to post the con goods pics some time soon too :) pls stay tuned!!
MC report on 27/9/2010 from
yamapi85 HEREsorry for the translation mistakes i made ><
my japanese still sucks