NEWS Live! x 3 26/9/2010 mini report No.2

Sep 27, 2010 00:29

YAY!!!! another great day!!!!!!
how can one not love NEWS and of course RYO!!!!!!

Thanks for those who commented on my report yesterday ! i'm so glad there are so many Ryo lovers out there that would enjoy a Ryo based report , so here's the one for today!!
i've basically had my eyes glued to Ryo today so i wouldn't miss any moments !! pls enjoy (was that introduction too long >___< gomen)

1. for the overture part , Ryo's message to us was " In Autumn, he feels very blessed that he is able to be with us" ^___^ (me too, so blessed)

2.  ok, Totally RYOPI moment!!!
     in weeeek, they were in 3s to do some fanservice. Ryo was with Pi and Shige, and this time, Pi was embracing Ryo who was in the middle and Shige was on Ryo's left. and what did Ryo do?? push Shige away !! Yup! push Shige (with some force ^^") so that he and  Pi were left alone in that embrace!!!!! awwwwww.... (Shige,do try harder next time ,lol)

3.Sakura girl, RyoMassu moment! Massu hugged Ryo, and Ryo was all smiles, didn't push Massu away ^^
in another song, they were getting together in pairs and embrace, Pi+Shige, Tego+Kei and RYO+MASSU!! and whilst others politely gave a pat, or just stood sideways and placed their arms on each others' shoulder, Massu hugged Ryo first, and Ryo hugged him back reallllly hard, like both arms wrapping over Massu with some force. Kyaa~ moment for fangirl again *_______*( totally fainting)

4. let me tell u, Dancing in the secret is a super cool song, and the dance moves were AWESOME, and what more was, really, nobody can dance as sexily as Ryo (Gomen Pi fans, but Ryo can really release this sensual aura that can make girls melt!!!! >___________________<" i'll melting rite now...)

5.MC: today Ryo didn't talk much during MC, mainly looking around and sipping on his 0 calorie 7 up, they talked about their family, how some of them had elder sisters, and Ryo talked about how nobody had elder brothers, he was the youngest brother, and he didn't have a single room when he was young, ? i think he said he shared a room with his younger sister!??? and then they talked about what they had learnt when they were young, and i'm pretty surprised that Shige, Tego and Massu all learnt the piano (Ryo was surprised to hear that too) and Koyama said that Ryo could play piano too (becos as always, Ryo didn't admit it) then Ryo turned to Koyama and said he his deep sensual voice quite quietly that he couldn't really play it, and OMG, all the girls went "Kyaa~~~", how modest!! that kind of way. Then Ryo talked about why he quitted soccer in 4th grade (i'm sorry i really couldn't understand well why)

6. Code time, today!!! Ryo's parents were here!!!!!!! and Ryo yelled "YUKO!" and "KENJI!" and of course we yelled along, then Ryo thanked his parents for giving birth to him ( and shouldn't we thank them as well!! for bringing such an awesome person on earth!!!!!! THANKS YUKO and KENJI sama!!!!!!!) then Ryo played a tune which was his mother's favourite :) (such a great son!!!!!)

7. One in a million: (ok this is not Ryo, but u have to hear this) , after Pi sang that amazingly cool song, he said his mother was here as well, and he thanked her. THEN, he gave his thanks and bowed to Ryo's parents!!!!!!! ( now who would thank another person's parents, but of course, if he/she is your other half, one should be super grateful to his/her's parents right???? )

*** the exact wordings here, thanks to yamapi85  ***
Ryo's words:

"Today, my dad and mom came to watch the concert. They came all the way from Osaka. They didn't know where  Tokyo Dome is, so they asked me "Ryo, where is it?". But they know where Osaka Dome is... Well, now I'm going to sing. (He sang a song). I sang this song for my mother because she likes it! I hope she is happy! Yuuko!! Kenji!! Thank you for giving birth to me! I'll do my best!!"

Yamapi's words:

"Actually, today my family came to watch the concert too! To be honest, I didn't want to say it but Ryochan said it and since it's a sweet thing I will say it too!! (laugh). Mother, thank you!!! Your son will do his best too!! Then, I'll be always grateful to Ryochan's papa and mama!!"

8. near the end, everyone took turn saying their thanks, Ryo as always, didn't really plan ahead what to say, and was fumbling with words, and then Koyama said "Hai" when he thought Ryo was done, and Ryo totally pointed at Koyama and told him "I'm not done!!" then he went back to standing there with a blank mind, and after some seconds decided to finish..( LOL , Ryo u sooo hate to lose don't u, Koyama totally sensed that u had nothing more to say!!!)

9. ok, the throwing sign boards part was hilarious, if u've been to Tokyo dome , u'll see there's this net before gate 22, so u can't really throw anything at the ppl in gate 22, and Ryo was totally aiming at gate 22 (actually i was sitting at gate 22, so saw this very well) and the sign board fell on the floor when it hit the net, then the staff picked it up and gave it back to Ryo, then being the Ryo who would never give up, he threw it again!!!! and the boared bounced off the net right back to him, and being the Ryo who would never give up, he threw it again!!! High up above the net and YAY!!!! it did pass the net!!! (Those Gate 22 ppl were so ever grateful and Kyaaing like crazy... how can anyone not be moved by Ryo's perseverence ^__^), and then Ryo went to another place (where there was no net), and threw his board, and ! like a boomarang, it flew right back to him!!! (he was looking pretty pissed by now) and tried again and succeeded, then went to a third place and threw, AND! it went back to him again!!!!! (RYO!!!!! >_____<" ) hahaha, nobody could put on such a hilarious show just throwing sign boards but Ryo!!!!

10. for the encore, Koi no ABO, again Ryo was there looking at Massu, (the time where he licked Massu yesterday) , today, Ryo just stood there and watched Massu, looking at him for a reallly long time...haha. probably figuring whether he should do it again.. (awwww...JUST DO IT ! Ryo, like Pi would, too bad, Ryo didn't kiss Massu today.

just wanted to show the Ryo uchiwa. i'm wearing the Con T-shirt, sorry for blocking it with my hands. (pls ignore that ridiculous face .. XP)

on my way back, passed by Harajuku, no point in missing an awesome night pic.

Hope u enjoy this report!!!!!

11. oops! i forgot at the end of the 2nd encore, when they were going back in, Ryo was in his dorky "waving hand close to body + little head nods + all teeth smile" mode (i hope u can imagine it) and kept saying みんなきれいだね!(everyone is so pretty!) KYAAAAAA~

12. at the intro, Shige likes to name different populations so each would yell, like ""PONYTAIL!" and those with a ponytail yell, and "OTOKO!" i'm surprised there was actually quite a lot, and "48!" and tons of ppl yelled!!! LOL, and Shige said "Eh?" and then something like, there aren't supposed to be so many is there??? hahahahahah

Thanks for allll your comments!!

link to MC report on 26/9/2010 from yamapi85  HERE
seems like i've made some mistakes with my listening >< gomen!!

news, news concert, concert report, ryo

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