Message In A Bottle

Sep 08, 2008 23:03

Title: Message In A Bottle
Fandom: Lost
Characters: Shannon, Sayid, Hurley, Walt, Michael, Arzt, Charlie, Jin, Sawyer. Mention of Cassidy, Nadia, Sabrina, Liam, Brian, Ben and Richard.
Rating: G
Spoilers: Exodus, plus some for S3, mention of the mobisode "Tropical Depression".
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. They own me.
Summary: Eight messages that were in the bottle, and one that wasn't.

Shannon isn't sure what to say in her message, or even who to write it to. It's not as if there would be anyone left who'd even be interested in knowing she was safe. Daddy's gone, and Boone, the only other person who really cared about her, was buried here on this island yesterday.
Sabrina is her only surviving relative. But she wouldn't want to hear from Shannon. Shannon doesn't expect Sabrina to ever forgive her for leading Boone on to Flight 815 and to his death.
But she can understand that. She hasn't forgiven herself either.
Shannon doesn't know how she'll explain it to Sabrina when she gets off this island. But she's going to try in this message.
"Dear Sabrina," she writes. And then just two words: "I'm sorry."

Sayid watches Shannon chewing absent mindedly on her pen. He wonders who she's writing to. She's not said much about her family, but he'd always understood that she didn't have anyone close apart from Boone.
She's kept herself pretty much to herself since Boone died, not wanting anyone to talk to her. Sayid wishes there was something he could do for her, but there isn't. Apart from the one thing she had asked, the one thing he cannot do.
Sayid looks over at Shannon again, and feels a stab of guilt as he starts his message: "Dear Nadia..."

"My name is Hugo Reyes," Hurley writes, "and I survived the crash of Flight 815. If anything happens to me, I hereby leave my mom $150,000."
He's not leaving anything to his dad. He doesn't want to take the chance of him running off with the cash. Although for all Hurley knows, David's gone already. "I'll be here when you get back," David had promised, but he probably thinks that Hurley's not coming back, that there's nothing to stick around for.
And Hurley's determined not to let Carmen be hurt that way again. So there's no way David's getting his hands on the money.

"Dear Brian," Walt writes. "I'm on an island somewhere in the Pacific. Our plane crashed. I'm okay though. Vincent's okay too, but I think he's missing you.
You were right about Dad, by the way. He's cooler than I thought."
For a minute Walt thinks about crossing that out. He doesn't want to upset Brian. But then he remembers how supportive Michael had been after Boone died, in contrast to how distant Brian was at Susan's funeral.
He'd leave it in after all. He knows Brian didn't really want him. Michael does now. So he'll let it stay there.

Michael smiles to himself when he reads what Walt wrote. It had taken time, but he feels they are beginning to bond now. He'd been shocked, sure, when he found out it had been Walt who burned the first raft, but he thinks he knows why. And at least they're able to be honest with each other, he thinks as he writes his own letter to his mother.
He tells her that she was right too, about him and Walt eventually bonding.
But it bothers him in some way, after all Brian said about not having wanted to adopt Walt, that Walt's written to Brian at all.

Arzt had considered writing to his Internet girlfriend, Marianne. But she'd made it quite clear when she disappeared from the restaurant leaving only her congealed lobster behind her that she didn't want to know. So there wasn't much point writing to her.
He writes instead to his best friend, Nick.
"As you can imagine, things didn't work out for me..." he starts before giving an account of his disastrous date in Australia.

Charlie remembers how he and Liam used to fight all the time when they were kids, how Liam had always insisted that as he was the big brother, he always knew best.
And he remembers the argument he and Liam had had when he was in Sydney, when Liam had attempted to persuade Charlie to stay with him and go into rehab.
He smiles to himself as he writes "Dear big brother, guess you were right. You always did know best after all."

Jin wonders if there is any point in him writing a message at all. Since he only spoke Korean, and the chances were that anyone who found it wouldn't understand it, much less be able to pass it on to - to who? He'd left his own world behind him when he married Sun, and there is nobody from Sun's world he wishes to pass it on to.
But there is something he can do. When Charlie approaches him, Jin signals that he wants Charlie to write something down for him.
"I am alive..."

Sawyer doesn't write a message at all. He doesn't see the point. Who the hell's he going to write to anyway? "Dear Hibbs, thanks for sending me after the wrong guy"? He doesn't think so.
A memory comes unbidden into his mind, of the day in prison when Cassidy had first told him about Clementine, suggested that he write to her but he had refused. "What the hell am i supposed to write? Dear Goo-goo, Ga-ga?" he had demanded at the time. But today, he had actually considered it.
In the end, he'd just waved the munchkin away when he'd come to him with the bottle. He's already written the only letter he's ever going to write. But he's not putting that in the bottle. Even though he's now starting to doubt that he'll ever get the chance to deliver it to that guy.
He doesn't know that on another part of the island, Ben is telling Richard it's time to take another trip to the mainland. "Bring me the man from Tallahassee."

lost: sawyer, lost: michael dawson, lost: charlie pace, lost: sayid jarrah, lost: jin kwon, lost: walt lloyd, lost: hurley reyes, lost: arzt, lost: shannon rutherford

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