When Jin Met Sun

Sep 01, 2008 23:07

Title: When Jin Met Sun
Fandom: Lost
Characters: Jin, Sun
Rating: G
Pairings: Jin/Sun
Warnings: Spoilers right up through S4. If you believe Jin is definitely dead, then that makes it AU. Personally, I'm keeping an open mind on that one until S5 starts, but I've made him survive in this fic.
Summary: Jin reflects on all the different times he met Sun.

Jin wasn't looking for love when he first met Sun, in spite of the conversation he'd had with Tai Soo a few days before. After what had happened with the job, love was the last thing on his mind.
He's not even sure now why he even bothered turning round to look at the woman in orange who walked past him. Tai Soo might believe what was in that stupid book, but Jin had more sense.
And yet, almost in spite of himself, Jin finds himself turning around to watch the woman in orange as she passed.
The woman in orange doesn't give him a backward glance. But as he passes her, he crashes headlong into a woman in white. he apologises, they look at each other, tentatively smile at each other.

That was the first time Jin met Sun.

The raft is burning, and Jin doesn't know why. He tries to put the fire out, but only succeeds in burning his hands.
When the other castaways see Jin's injuries, they jump to the conclusion that he started the fire. No, he wants to say. I did not burn the raft. But as Michael and Sawyer continue to rage at him in the language he doesn't understand, he wonders whether they would even listen to him, even if he was able to communicate.
When Sun speaks to Michael in the unfamiliar tongue, Jin is unable to find the words to express the betrayal he feels. This English-speaking woman is not the woman he married. Jin does not know who this person is.

That was the second time Jin met Sun.

Jin runs through the jungle, towards the caves, hoping to find Jack. Claire's about to have the baby, she needs the doctor now.
But when Jin gets there, Jack's tied up with Boone's crushed leg and can't leave him. Kate, Charlie and Jin are going to have to deliver the baby.
Jin's and Sun's eyes lock again for the first time since Sun revealed she spoke English. He hadn't known how he would feel when he had to deal with her again. But this is not the time to think of that. As Jack relays instructions on how to deliver the baby, which Sun translates into Korean for Jin, Jin begins to hope that they are going to reconnect at last.
The next day, at the funeral, Jin watches as Sun turns to Kate for comfort instead of to him, and he realises nothing has changed.

That was the third time Jin met Sun.

Shannon's dead, killed by Ana Lucia. Sawyer's seriously ill, shot by the man with the beard as he attempted to rescue Walt from the Others. And Sayid's held at gunpoint by Ana in a tense stand-off.
All Jin wants is to get back to their own camp, to Sun. After everything that's happened since he, Walt, Michael and Sawyer attempted to escape on the raft, the issues around Sun speaking English seem unimportant now. Jin's eyes meet those of Bernard, who is so close to being reunited with Rose who he hasn't seen since the crash, and despite the language barrier, they understand each other completely right now.
Charlie sees them first, as they make their way across the beach. The fuselage survivors run to meet them; Jin watches as Rose embraces Bernard.
And as Jin sees that familiar face again, he vows that he will never leave Sun's side.

That was the fourth time Jin met Sun.

When Juliet tells Jin that Sun had had an affair, and that she thought it was possible that the baby was the other man's, Jin is reminded once more of the day he first discovered Sun spoke English.
He knows that Sun has lied to him in the past. Yet that day when she had first told him she was pregnant, and then sworn to him that she had not been with anyone else, even though he had not been capable of fathering a child before the island, he had not doubted her. Now, he begins to doubt everything he ever knew about Sun.
It's only after his talk with Bernard that he thinks about it from another point of view. Jin knows how distant he was from Sun at the time, the secrets he kept from her about the work he did for her father. He can understand why Sun would have turned to someone else.
Now, it's like Jin is seeing himself clearly for the first time. And in coming to terms with his own past, Jin is able to accept Sun's.

That was the fifth time Jin met Sun.

The Oceanic Six, along with the others who had left, have returned to the island. Walt scans the crowd for the face he will never see again, an apprehensive look forms on Juliet's face when she realises Ben has returned, Claire and Kate share an awkward moment as Aaron looks right through Claire before turning to Kate and asking "Who's that, Mommy?"
Jin sees nothing of this. His eyes are taken up by the sight of Sun walking towards him, leading by the hand their daughter, who Jin has never seen.
"You were right," Sun says. "I named her Ji Yeon, as you suggested."
Ji Yeon walks across to Jin on her unsteady legs, slips her little hand in his and whispers "Hello, Daddy."

Jin and Sun will never be parted again.
That was the sixth, and final, time Jin met Sun.

lost: jin kwon, lost: sun kwon

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