Ana Get Your Gun

Aug 24, 2008 15:01

Title: Ana Get Your Gun
Fandom: Lost
Characters: Ana Lucia.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: i do not own these characters. They own me.
Summary: Four times Ana Lucia fired a gun, and one that she didn't.

The first time Ana Lucia fires a gun on the job, she's part of a team called to an incident where some guy's taking his ex wife and kids hostage. As the situation escalates, Ana takes a well-aimed shot into the guy's leg, bringing him down.
She's the hero of the station after that, as far as most people are concerned.
"You were so brave, Officer Cortez," says Laura, a new recruit. "How did you do that, and so calmly too?"
Ana Lucia shrugs. "I just did what had to be done."

As Ana takes the gun in her hand, becomes accustomed to the feel of steel again, she feels on safe, familiar ground once more, sure of herself for the first time since she was shot four months ago. She's finally in control, after months in hospital, Danny leaving, the baby...No, she won't think of the baby. Not now, when she's so close to reclaiming her old life again.
Matthew Reed's report was later to say that during their final appointment, Ana had sounded the most animated when she spoke of her shooting practice. Because that was when Ana felt alive again.

This is for the baby, Ana thinks when she shoots Jason McCormack. And this is for you, Danny, she thinks when she shoots him again. She shoots him four more times, one for each of the times he had shot her.
The day Ana Lucia had first found out she was pregnant, she hadn't been sure she wanted the baby. She was a cop. She needed to be on active duty. The last thing she wanted was to be stuck behind a desk.
Danny knew, even if she'd never explicitly told him. He knew, the day he walked away from her hospital bed, telling her she'd killed their baby.
Ana knows now that she and Danny weren't meant to be. But as she looks down on the body of Jason McCormack, she thinks of how she only knew how much she wanted the baby when she knew that it wasn't to be.

When Ana shot Shannon, her one thought was that it was for the protection of the rest of the survivors. She thinks of how she'd vowed to keep them all alive, to get the kids back to their mother. And she thinks of how she'd actually been the one to put them all at risk by continuing to put her faith in Goodwin, had failed both Nathan and the kids by doing so. And she thinks of Cindy, taken by the Others just when they thought they were safe, on their way to the other camp.
She saw Shannon, and immediately thought she was one of Them. And in an instant she knew what she had to do, to protect her people where she had failed to do so before.
It was only when she saw the horrified looks on the faces of Michael and Jin that Ana Lucia realised what she had done.
She had felt alive again when she first fired a gun after she was shot.
Now she feels dead inside.

Ana Lucia knows that Henry Gale is one of Them. But she also knows that if she takes his life, she'll see it in her nightmares every night. "You're the killer, Ana Lucia," Gale had said, and she knew that it was true. She sees them every night, Shannon, Goodwin, the baby. Gale told her that Goodwin hadn't been trying to kill her, that he thought she was a good person. And she remembers what Libby said, about how she wasn't sure Ana was a good judge of character.
Ana realised then that it wasn't for her to play God, to decide who lived and who died.
The first time Ana held a gun in her hand and made the decision not to fire was to be the last time she ever held a gun.

lost: ana lucia cortez

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