After the Funeral

Aug 20, 2008 22:05

Title: After the Funeral
Fandom: Lost
Characters: Sayid, Charlie, Jin, Sun, Hurley, Walt, Michael, Sawyer, Claire, Shannon, Locke, Jack, Kate, Nikki, Paulo, Ana Lucia, Desmond.
Rating: G
Summary: The thoughts of the survivors after Boone's funeral.
For falafel_fiction, who requested S1 ensemble. Very sorry this is late, that will teach me to go on holiday during the luau!

The irony is not lost on Sayid as he gives the speech at Boone's funeral. He knows full well that he is the last person Boone would have wanted to speak, given the situation between them over Shannon. But it is true what he says. he is sorry that he did not know Boone well, and he wishes that things could have been different, for Shannon's sake.
He knows that Shannon just lost the person closest to her on the island. He wants to be there for her right now. But he knows he cannot do what Shannon is asking.

Charlie wishes sayid hadn't mentioned the day Joanna died, and how Boone had been the first to go after her. Boone had been brave that day; Charlie had not.
He'd cursed himself for the words "I don't swim" as soon as they came out of his mouth. What did his stupid demons matter when it came to Joanna's life?
Sun says how brave Boone had been when he wouldn't let Jack use all the medication up on him. Charlie wonders if he would ever be so brave in the face of death.
he does not yet know that there will come a time when that will be put to the test.

Jin did not know Boone, and now he never will. He remembers when they first crashed here, and how determined he had been to separate himself and Sun from the rest of the survivors. Now he wishes he was more able to integrate with them.
As he watches Sun lay her head on Kate's shoulder, he wishes he was the one she was reaching out to for comfort.

Similar thoughts go through Sun's head as she meets Jin's eyes across the graveside. When Sun had been translating the instructions to Jin as he prepared to help Charlie and Kate deliver Claire's baby, she had begun to hope that they would be able to communicate again. But now they seem as far apart as they ever did. And Sun's determined to find a way to bring them back together.

Hurley doesn't tell anyone what he's feeling right now. No one will believe him. Charlie certainly didn't, that day they went after the French lady.
because ever since Hurley used the numbers, death has surrounded him. He'd seen the numbers on the island, and a couple of days later, Boone had died.
Shannon's blaming Locke for what happened. But she should be blaming Hurley.

Walt is reminded of the day they buried his mother. He'd reached out to Brian for comfort that day, but Brian had brushed him aside, lost in his own grief. walt had tried talking to Vincent, but it wasn't the same.
Tentatively, he reaches out to Michael for comfort. And as Michael squeezes his hand in return, he begins to believe that everything will be okay.

When Walt takes him by the hand, Michael reflects on the fact that this is the first time since their first awkward meeting in Sydney that Walt has actually reached out to him for affection.
He wishes it hadn't taken something like this for them to begin to bond.
Michael saw the look on Walt's face when Locke said it was all his fault. And although he's ashamed to admit it, part of Michael is relieved at Locke's fall from grace. Now maybe Walt will reach out more towards his father.

Sawyer is haunted by the same image over again, of the day he'd beaten up Boone for going through his stuff. Hell, he'd thought at the time, the kid had no right going through his property like that. And what the hell would he want with Legs' inhalers anyway?
It's not as if it made a difference to what happened.
But Sawyer cannot stop the rush of that all too familiar lately emotion: guilt.

Claire feels awkward with the baby here, guilt at her own joy in the moment of sadness, even though as she had first rejoiced she hadn't even known that Boone had died.
She can't look at Shannon now, and Shannon cannot meet her eyes either.
In the midst of life, she thinks, we are in death.

Shannon didn't say anything at Boone's funeral, because she hadn't known what to say.
Sayid had told her that he understood her need for someone to blame. But he can't, not really. Because he didn't know why Boone and Shannon had been on Flight 815.
So, she'd been angry at Sabrina for denying her her share of Daddy's money. But she'd realised now that there were more important things in life.
And maybe Sayid was right in a way about Shannon's need to blame Locke. so she didn't have to focus on the fact that Locke wasn't to blame after all.
Shannon was.
Because Boone wouldn't have been on Flight 815 if it wasn't for her.

Nikki tries to ignore the sidelong glance she gets from Paulo.
"That could have been me," Paulo's thinking, "if I'd listened to you and climbed in."
Paulo wonders again if Nikki would still want him around if she knew the whereabouts of the diamonds.
And if Nikki's honest with herself, she can't answer that question right now.

Locke sees the mistrust on everyone's faces as he appears at the grave, shirt still stained with Boone's blood. It's true, he did send Boone up there and then lie about what happened. But he hadn't expected that to be the outcome. Locke had honestly believed at the time that the island would save Boone. But there was obviously a reason it had chosen to take its life.
Sayid steps in to save Locke when Shannon fires the gun. But Locke wouldhave taken whatever came. Because he knows that whatever happened would be whatever the island wanted for him.

Jack struggles to deal with his emotions as he looks down at Boone. He'd promised he'd fix him, damn it. And if that son of a bitch Locke had just told the whole truth in the first place, he might have been able to do it.
Sarah always used to talk about Jack's compulsion to fix things. Well, he feels that he should have been able to fix Boone.
He can't save Boone now. But there's one last thing he can do for him - find John Locke.

Kate knows that Jack won't do himself or anyone else any good if he goes on like this. Boone's gone now. But there are forty plus other survivors still here, all counting on Jack. If he gets sick, he can't do anything for any of them.
As she crushes up the sleeping tablets for his juice, Kate knows Jack won't thank her for this. But she has to do this, for the good of them all.

On other parts of the island, other survivors know nothing of this. Ana Lucia's convinced the transmission was Them. But the other tailies are equally sure it was not. They still have hope of other survivors, thanks to the voice they will never hear again.
And Desmond re-reads his letter from Penny for the fourth time. The banging at the hatch, combined with the letter, have given him hope for the future.

lost: kate austen, lost: charlie pace, lost: walt lloyd, lost: sun kwon, lost: ana lucia cortez, lost: nikki fernandez, lost: john locke, lost: sawyer, lost: desmond hume, lost: claire littleton, lost: michael dawson, lost: sayid jarrah, lost: jack shephard, lost: jin kwon, lost: paulo, lost: hurley reyes, lost: shannon rutherford

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