Title: The Curse of Downing Street
Fandom: Real Cat Fiction, 21st Century UK Politics RPF
Characters: Larry the Cat, Gladstone the Cat.
Rating: G
Summary: The real reason for UK's current politics shitshow: Larry and Gladstone curse Downing Street in order to force a change of government. (Written before Truss resigned!)
The memes were flying around, the jokes about who refused the post of Chancellor to Voldemort circulated on Twitter; Gladstone and Larry had to admit the truth of that, because turnover in the role of Chancellor had already exceeded that in the role of Defence Against the Dark Arts job. Yet with Truss’s umpteen U turns, more resignations and rumours of manhandled MPs in the House of Commons, the Chancellors had almost been forgotten.
No one so far had guessed the real reason for this chaos; Gladstone and Larry, fed up of their Tory housemates and taking advantage of the approach of Halloween, had cursed 11 Downing Street, with the idea of cursing Number 10 should that prove successful, and the curse could only be broken when a Labour government was in power. But as they watched Westminster dissolve into chaos around them, Gladstone and Larry wondered if their curse had been too successful.