We're Not In DHARMA Any More

Jul 13, 2009 22:00

Title: We're Not In DHARMA Any More
Characters: Jin, Hurley, Sawyer, Miles, Kate, Jack, Juliet, Sayid. Mentions of Sun.
Warnings: Spoilers up through S5. Speculation as to whether one character will make it, but said character not actually shown to have died.
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: References to Jin/Sun and Sawyer/Juliet.
Summary: For emiliglia, who wanted S6 speculation. As the survivors realise Jack's plan hasn't worked and they've just ended up back in their own time on the island, Jin explains to Hurley why that was really the best outcome for him.

Jin slowly struggled to his feet, trying to catch his breath and clear his head as occasional snatches of conversation reached his ears. Not far away, Hurley lay clutching his stomach, groaning "Dude, what happened? Where are we? What happened to DHARMA?"

"We're not in DHARMA any more, Toto," Sawyer snapped, before hauling himself to his feet, ignoring his own injuries in order to rush to the side of Juliet, lying bloody and battered in the crater which had once been the Swan, and which appeared in much the same state as after Locke's demolition of the Swan in 2004.

"Hey, Doc! You gonna do something over here or are you just gonna sit there staring at your goddamn hands?" he yelled at Jack. Jin followed his gaze in the direction of where Jack was indeed holding his head in his hands, occasionally muttering "It didn't work...I couldn't save them."

"Well, there's a shocker." Miles said sarcastically. "Did none of you hear what I said about causing the incident you were supposed to prevent? Did nobody think - " but he was interrupted by Kate, who had been watching Sawyer and Juliet with an odd expression on her face, before turning away from them to say "He's right, Jack. You go over there and take care of Juliet. Hurley, Jin, I could use you here with Sayid." As a dazed-looking Jack numbly got to his feet to follow Kate's orders, Kate turned away again with her back towards where Sawyer was now holding on to Juliet's hand.

Jin made his way over to join Hurley, who said "Actually, dude, I think we've managed to slow your bleeding. Told you you were gonna be okay, Sayid."

"And Juliet?" Jin asked. "Do you think she will be okay too?"

Miles opened his mouth to reply, but seemed to think better of what he was going to say. "I don't know," he eventually said.

It was Hurley who eventually asked the question that everyone was secretly thinking.

"So, if we're not in DHARMA any more, guys, then, uh, when exactly are we?"

"Dude, do you mind if I ask you something?" Hurley asked Jin later when the two men found themselves alone. Sayid had seemed to be recovering, but there had been no change in Juliet's condition. Jack and Sawyer were both keeping a vigil at her side, nobody liking to voice the thought that she wasn't going to make it.

"When we realised it hadn't worked, you didn't seem too upset about it. And I thought, given that you and Sun, uh - " Hurley trailed off, clearly not knowing quite how to word his question.

But Jin knew what Hurley was trying to say. "When Jack said that it would be a way for me to be reunited with Sun, I don't think he understood that I wouldn't have wanted it to happen that way. You remember how things were between us when we first came here," he added, falling silent and looking down at the memory of the day he had overreacted to the sight of Sun wearing a bikini, among other incidents.

Hurley nodded, obviously remembering.

"I did not really think about it myself at the time when he first mentioned it," Jin admitted. "But when Juliet detonated the bomb and there was the white flash, I saw it all again. If we had gone back to 2004 and landed in Los Angeles as if the last three years had never happened, then I would still be that man again."

Hurley frowned, but nodded. "I think I get what you mean."

"We would have been together, but not united in the way that we were before she left the island," Jin continued. "Or maybe, in the end, we would not have even been together. She had been thinking about leaving me, because she was afraid of the man I had become. And I do not want to be the man who comes home covered in someone else's blood any more."

Hurley recoiled slightly at that, but Jin pretended not to notice, knowing that he could not really blame his friend for reacting that way.

"And I do not want to be the man who is forced to be distant from her because of the work I was doing for her father. If we had gone back, I would still be all of those things. So that it why I am glad that it did not work."

Hurley nodded. "I understand now, dude."

"I am sorry," Jin said suddenly, noticing the look on Hurley's face. "I was forgetting about Charlie and Libby. You were hoping it would work, so they would still be alive."

"Dude, it's okay." Hurley replied. "I can still see them, you know, like Miles does."

Jin was silent, not really knowing what to say to that.

"Sorry, dude. Forget I said that," Hurley mumbled awkwardly. "But anyway, you've got the chance to be with Sun now. And there's your kid. If it had worked, she wouldn't have been born. I've seen her, you know. She looks just like you."

Jin swallowed hard. "What is her name?"

"Ji Yeon." Hurley answered.

"That is the name that Sun and I picked out together before she left," Jin told him.

Hurley nodded. "Yeah, Sun said."

"Hurley," Jin began. "Is she here? Did Sun bring her on the plane?"

"She didn't bring her," Hurley began. "I think she meant to bring you home so you could meet her there. And you know what?" he continued. "I don't know when exactly we are now, dude, but she's on the island somewhere. You might be in the same time now. Let's go look for her, dude, so you can have that reunion you've been waiting for."

"Thank you, Hurley," Jin said, knowing his friend would understand what he meant, as the two men walked away into the night.

lost: miles straume, lost: sawyer, lost: kate austen, lost: sayid jarrah, lost: jack shephard, lost: jin kwon, lost: juliet burke, lost: hurley reyes

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