Title: There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
Characters: Locke.
Warnings: Spoilers up to S6
Rating: PG
Summary: Written for
lost_in_108 prompt #82: shine. The light flashes before Locke's eyes when Desmond activates the failsafe.
The light flashed in front of Locke’s eyes again as Desmond activated the fail safe, the same light he’d seen the night Boone died, the one he’d initially taken as a sign from the island.
He hadn’t believed in it when Desmond turned the key. But as the light flashed before his eyes, Locke saw a glimpse of the life that could have been, where he and Helen were still together, where he had managed to maintain a relationship with his father.
The vision was gone when he woke up. But that, and his vision of Boone, convinced Locke of what he had to do for the island.