Title: Following the Leader
Characters: Horace, Ethan, Ben.
Rating: G
Warnings: Spoilers all through S5
Summary: Written for
lost_in_108 prompt #76: follow. Horace has misgivings about the way Ethan follows Ben around.
Horace can’t put his finger on exactly why he feels so uneasy about the way Ethan follows Ben Linus around. He’d always felt sorry for that kid when he was growing up, but there’s been something different about him ever since he got shot, something that makes Horace uncomfortable with their friendship.
Ben’s the only person who treats Ethan like a grownup. He was the one who told Ethan why his mother really died, why DHARMA have to go. Ethan doesn’t care what anyone else thinks. Ben’s the only one who cares about him. Now Ethan’s going to follow Ben to join the Hostiles, leaving his family behind.