One more for that list...

Jun 10, 2007 21:50

So... I went ahead had another legendary night/weekend. The stories of london have reinvigorated my arsenal of stories and anecdotes to tell during awkward first conversations.

So was at my mates Amer and Dan's birthday celebration. They had hired (rented) a bouncy castle for the night, similar to the party that was there two weeks earlier and proved to be a success...

Well a little background information. Amer and Dan live in a block of houses which back garden lets out into an open field that belongs to a council estate (a huge estate which has a block of flats that are given out to people who seek financial help from the government, usually housing the equivalent to our 'redneck' and 'ghetto' population in america).

Knowing that you can imagine during the early hours of the party a lot of chavy kids come out of the works to jump on the bouncy castle. We don't mind this as we're all just chilling and can only take so much bouncy castle before our unfit student bodies need a break. But I digress, back to my part of this story. Around one in the morning we all started our entertaining leaps from the shed roof top out and onto the bouncy castle. As we were doing this the party caught the attention of some chav youths who came over and began trying to get into the party. I was still on the roof when this all started and I watched them start to get hostile and apparently one of them pulled a knife out at some point. I took up a place on the roof keeping an eye out gauging whether I was going to be needed or not, as well as most of the guys at the party started towards the door just incase something kicked off. The idiots started to leave when one of them started talking at me and got rather annoyed at my nonchalant banter back at him. He disappeared for a minute as the youths were gathering themselves to leave (about 10 of them) and he reappeared and screamed some abuse as he hurled a brick at me. I step away and the brick missed me. I started to go into my usual mental state that I do when people fuck with me, you all know that one lol. But everyone started calling me down off the roof and I calmed down and started to climb down off the roof, except when I dropped down from my hanging position I landed on a glass and it crushed under my weight. It cut about an inch or so into the bottom of my foot. Right after I jumped down from the wall and hurt my foot some of the other idiots started throwing bottles and shit at the wall and I started to head out of the garden to confront the retards, but after a few steps of pain and then a wash of light headiness I realized I had cut myself pretty bad and I headed back towards the house.

Yep... I basically had a very badly timed accident. The youths ran after they threw the bottles and I bled ALL over the kitchen as I hopped around finding something to tie around my wound. This caused a mass panic, everyone thought I had been stabbed or hit my one of the bottles. But no... I'm just a full on retard.

Anyways, I sat there and had my foot held up and wrapped and got fed sugary tea and water to keep me 'alive.' Of course, everyone freaked out and stressed as I just sat relaxed and waited for the ambulance. I knew it was Friday and that the ambulances were busy. But I had to deal with random people in the party coming down and realizing i was still there and then giving me there two pence on what they thought we should do and this and that. It was rather annoying, mildly amusing. So after 4 hours, Kit went and got her car from her house and came to pick me up to take me to the hospital and as I was getting into her car the ambulance pulled up behind us.

image Click to view

My send off from the party.
(I know it's upside down... but Dom was quite drunk lol.)

Basically I got in the ambulance they rewrapped my foot with proper bandages instead of tea towels and plastic carrier bags. Then I was off to the hospital, FOR FREE! Was at the hospital from 5 am till 12 pm. They x-rayed my foot and found two pieces of glass in it. They pulled them both out... one was tiny and the other piece was about 3 cm wide. After the local anesthetic wore off I was in a fuck load of pain, then they had to get an orthopedic specialist to look at and he had to get a SURGICAL CONSULT! (yep, just like in scrubs!) But I was fine. They then cleaned the cut out with a litre of saline and put two stitches in it, wrapped it up and sent me off.

It started bleeding again as soon as i got home and once more after that. It's been a fun trip... I have an appointment tomorrow to get it looked at and assess whether I need to continue using crutches and getting all my weight off of it. Worst part of it all, I was supposed to start work tomorrow. But now I'm not very mobile and when I do try to walk too much I start bleeding all over the place... So I've had to email the manager and explain what happened and now I've gotta just keep him updated to when I can start moving around properly.

But yeah, spent rest of sunday hanging out with some mates and watching dvds. Slept outside in their outdoor 'living room' it was really quite nice. I'm finally home relaxing on the couch... cursing the bathroom for being upstairs... thusly peeing outside. I have to give it to England, the NHS system was great... I wasn't bombarded with insurance questions and worries about the fact they x-rayed my foot twice and afraid it was gonna cost me $800 or something. Then I was just discharged and just able to leave... no paperwork or signatures, nothing. It was pretty great.

So what's that in one month... almost got killed by a car, stabbed myself in the leg and now am on crutches. Kit has started a facebook group titled 'Nick Russo is a walking disaster.' lol.

Well back to watching big brother... it's a plague and I've caught it.
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