4 a.m.? no problem!

Jun 17, 2009 03:41

I downloaded the 2009 06 09 performance of Music Fair (I assume another regular-ish music show much like Music Station or Music Japan), due to Glay, T.M. Revolution/abingdon boys school, and Gackt performing. It's a giant .ts file, which neither Zoom Player nor Media Player Classic can run properly on my computer, but the quality is rather nice once you get past the hiccups and the freezing.

Anyway, it was a mixture of old and new songs; Glay played "Yuuwaku", which is one of my favorite Glay songs. Mind you, I have a total of nine Glay songs, but it was quite enjoyable nonetheless. Skipping ahead a little, Gackt played his new song, "Lost Angels", which I haven't listened to yet because I'd like to be able to hear/watch the whole thing without weird glitchy shit happening. He also played "Another World", and that... that was a very typical Gackt performance. (See other posts regarding my opinions on Gackt performing.) I about died of laughter every time he made a weird face directly at the camera. I swear he was gonna eat my soul.

God, it's been such a long time since I've really taken the time to enjoy new Japanese music. I also downloaded the 2009 06 12 performance of Music Station, mostly for VAMPS, but Lady Gaga was also on, so hey, bonus. Except her performance was... eh... Well, you can definitely tell a difference. That is, you can tell that Auto-Tune was used extensively in the studio, and while I understand that a singer can sound different in the studio versus live (hell, Hyde being a prime example of this, what was up with all that hoarseness when singing "Evanescence"?), Lady Gaga's voice was markedly deeper. Since I was rather put off by this, I didn't watch the performance the whole way through, so perhaps despite the voice change, it was a good show. I suppose I'll have to watch it some other time.

Hrm. Train of thought got derailed as usual. More later-ish.

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