
Jun 21, 2010 15:06

We are now a formula free household! We switched Katie to whole milk over the weekend, and she took to it as well and as quickly as Jamie did. I'm going to keep the pre-measured formula packets around for a while, just in case I need to make milk and I only have water (you never know), but I don't actually anticipate using them.

Also, Katie started walking properly at the weekend - two or three occasions of more than a dozen steps each. Of course, she won't do it again today. She's still keen on being walked around if you hold her hands, but more often I'm seeing her stand up and walk off by herself, even if just for 5 steps. She wasn't really doing that much before the weekend.

I have been thinking about getting an iPhone for some time. Adrian has been putting me off, telling me to wait for the Windows one, telling me it's too expensive, etc. But the more I thought about it, the more I wanted an iPhone. They seem so USEFUL! Plus pretty of course, but mostly useful. And small. Have you seen the size of the bag I lug around ALL THE TIME? Small in addition to that is good. So on Saturday I steeled myself, and launched into a fairly prepared speech about how much I wanted one, and how I was actually going to get one, and it wasn't like I go out and get expensive stuff all the time, so couldn't I have just this one luxury. He looks at me somewhat exasperated and pats me (rather patronizingly, I thought at the time) on the knee. "They're already ordered," he says. "They'll arrive on Thursday. I was going to surprise you."

This isn't the first time we've had a conversation like that, either :-) Most recently it was the Planet Earth DVDs and before that...oh, I don't remember. But we have this sort of conversation about 2 or 3 times a year. We've never yet bought the same thing for each other, but it really is only a matter of time.
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