Wednesday Reading

Feb 07, 2013 00:52

This seems to be a thing people on my flists are doing, so I thought I'd give it a try for a few weeks. :)

Last night I finished Hilary Mantel's A Place of Greater Sadety--her ambitious look at the French Revolution, mainly through the eyes of Georges Danton, Camille Desmoulins, and Maximilien Robespierre. I like the Cromwell books better; her style in this one feels like she's trying a little too hard. But still, it was quite good and kept me riveted. She doesn't hold your hand through it, though; you need at least some familiarity with the French Revolution.

And now for something completely different, I'm reading Baseball in the Garden of Eden by John Thorne. This could pretty much be summed up as "baseball's extremely complicated origins, let me show you them." For example, did you know that Jane Austen mentions baseball (or maybe base ball) in "Northanger Abbey" long before the supposed invention of the "purely American game?" Yeah, neither did I.

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historicals, non-ficiton, books: 2013, a reader is me, fiction, baseball

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