Sep 16, 2007 01:20
is just what i need.
despite my past horrible experience of living on campus freshman year, which lead me into a spiral of depression, evergreen couldn't be further from that.
maybe it's my experience and age, but people at school seem less threatening, even kind.
i've had a weird struggle with social anxiety throughout the years, despite what most people know of me.
freshman year, others seems to hold to key to my self-worth.
now, they just seem like drunk kids, emphasis on kids (though it should be on drunk, especially tonight).
harmless and still somewhat innocent.
it was a long road that took me from a 17 year-old freshman to this present date.
drug addiction, depression, independence, a changing concept of what constitutes a friend, travels, music (which ultimately helped me turn my life around. ask me sometime. it's like a fucking episode of 'behind the music'), etc.
i'll try not to make this too sappy, but i can only take an brief inventory of my life at this point because this is really a turning point in my life.
a couple thousands miles away from home, knowing few people, doing what i always wanted to do, living where i always wanted to live.
okay, i'm not perfect, wise, or even mature, most of the time.
i laugh at stupid shit, drink til 4 am when i have to be up at 8, smoke too many cigarettes and make horrible decisions with boys.
i'm know i'm only 20, but we've come a long way, baby...