1) When are you going to get a new car?
I don't know. I am sort of piecing poor Atsuko together, but she's a big mess. I know you just want me to tell you what I am thinking of buying so you can point and laugh and feel superior and smug. I am thinking of maybe trying to find a nice 3-series that's not too old in the Spring. THERE, OKAY?
2) Are you ever going to lower your standards enough to date ANYONE again?
Probably not. After being through enough bullshit to have a pretty damn sharp of what you actually want, and having lived the consequences of settling, yeah, I will die alone. Or I will end up marrying some foreign girl. NOT NECESSARILY ASIAN OK. Where do you find a girl that gets Achewood? In my dreams I will be a well-off writer in a few years and have bought a bit of modest beachfront property in southern Italy and I will meet some nice Italian girl who just happens to be breezing through my chunk of seashore while I am cooking some delicious food in my kitchen full of windows. So I will invite her in and she will think my cooking is awesome and what do you know, this wine I love we are having with dinner is made by her grandparents and she would love to take me up there and introduce me and you know, it's just a giant winning streak from there.
3) What part of the chick from lazy town would you most like to touch?
Uhh, isn't she like 16 now? And her wikipedia page says she's all into dancing and Broadway and shit. Eugh. But I would like to steal her pink wig and take pictures of me in it. Probably sexy pictures. But then again, she dresses up
4) Whats the best way to serve pancakes? Also how is ur kitteh.
As waffles. I know, I know, way different recipe. Otherwise, just with some expensive-as-hell canucker tree-juice. None of that artificial shit. And no butter either. And with a glass of milk, I guess? All that syrup makes the orange juice taste GROCE.
Mah kitteh is teh best kitteh. She kills all the crickets and spiders down here. Also, she just started makin' biscuits in the morning, which is weird.
5) Whats wrong with loving one another in this day and age?
Why Tristan, are you asking me out on a date??? :3 What was I watching the other day that said, "Unconditional love is the greatest expression of desperation?" Or something like that. Man, that's true.