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Aug 23, 2004 12:43

Wooooooow. Check this groklaw post about the ongoing RIAA litigation against Grokster. It's incredible that a judge has finally taken the initiative in laying down the law to litigious RIAA lawyers who claim that fair use is not.
(In case you don't know, groklaw is not affiliated with grokster; it's just a word that means, well, everything...)

Also, this is really cool: RSS Auction allows you to turn ebay search queries into RSS feeds. Now, I wouldn't use this for just some general category of searching, but if you're looking for rare items that don't pop up often, this is a really great way to do it. Just add the search feed to your friends list and the items will pop on there if it ever sees any. I think I'll start tracking Amano artwork and original star wars posters...
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