Quickie update

Jun 05, 2010 18:38

Hai thar,

Just thought since I was at the office, I would do a quickie update. Mac is pretty much toast. I do have a fancy new laptop on the way...well, netbook, but still...it is going to be my first new computer in several years. :) I have my friend Joe to thank for helping me out there. Now I have entertainment for myself on the several planes I have to take in 1.5 weeks to New York.

Yeah. Several. I have a 40-minute layover at O'Hare, then a good 90 minutes at Dallas-Ft. Worth on my way home. Thankfully, I have roommates that will assist me in transportation to and from the airport. Yay!

While I wait for my netbook to arrive, I got a nice bag to go along with it, as well as a mini mouse. Once I get it all together, I will take a picture of the trio. :)

Back to my trip ... for whatever reason, I had seat assignments for my flight from O'Hare to LaGuardia, and LaGuardia to DFW, and my final trip home...but not on the flight to Chicago? WTF? And looking online...that plane is almost to capacity! Who the heck flies to Chicago on a Thursday at 6am?! I got a seat near the front, unfortunately, it is a middle seat. But it is a 737, so it should be roomy-ish. All the other flights are on MD-80s, window seats. Yay!

Anywhos, that is all for now. Look for other updates more often in the future. I will probably be using my LJ as a branch for some of my tweets. Kinda editorial-ish. We shall see.

Cheerios for now!

trip, netbook

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