Nov 04, 2008 15:46
I havent posted an update here in quite some time, but today has made me want to have my voice heard in every way possible.
This is it, guys... Probably the most important day United States citizens (and many people around the world) have seen in a long time.
Go out and vote today! This is a huge event in our lives. With the economy collapsing and world relations at an embarrassing level, this is where we need change the most! Obama is the key to change. Immediately, just the spirit of the nation and the world will be lifted to a higher level it hasn't seen in nearly a decade. A spirit of high hopes and the knowledge that better times are coming.
This means a lot to me especially. Being an American citizen who lives and travels overseas, the level of discrimination I have received for being from the USA has been high. Many people will not even admit that they are American because of how the country has been run. I and countless others have had to defend ourselves for the mistakes of the country and now is our chance to finally right those wrongs of the past 8 years and be proud again.
And for those in California, please vote NO on Prop 8.. that is really important. How can a nation based on giving equality to ALL try to eliminate those rights based on who a person loves. That is ridiculous and the right to get married and have the same rights as a straight married couple can not be eliminated.
Thank you for your time,