Feb 27, 2009 11:03
I am very, very tired of writing papers. But as one of my classes requires a four-page research paper every two weeks, that isn't likely to change. (I should be writing said paper, at the moment.)
No news on the job front, as of yet--I just sent off a follow-up email to one I applied to two weeks ago, but I haven't found any others to even apply to, past that. There's apparently a shortage of editorial assistants in textbook publishing, but since most of them are in subjects I didn't even like in school, I have yet to apply to any of those. There's also a slew of "editorial" assistant jobs which have nothing to do with editing, and involve being an administrative assistant by another name. I feel no need to move to New York to answer phones. I'm tempted to email my favorite companies and just tell them that they might as well hire me now, since I'm going to keep throwing my resume at them until somebody gives me an interview... but I doubt that'd work out. ;)
My Drawing prof liked the portfolio I turned in a week ago--as he put it, it was "better than many art majors." So now I get to be all warm and fuzzy at my lack of suck. :) I'll try and scan some of the pieces and post them this week.
Now, though, I really am going to go finish that paper. 'Cause then I'll have a whole weekend off, with no homework. Possibly the first one this semester.