Einstein must be his Holy Ghostwriter ....

May 30, 2007 22:57

There is a business owner near my house who tends to erect signs, about 3' x 5' or so, espousing various Christian-themed sentiments on the berm overlooking the freeway.  The one I pased today on the way to an appointment said:  Coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous.  A bit simplistic, I thought - as I do about a number of the sentiments posted - and drove on.  As I was pulling out of the parking lot on my way home, I noticed the car behind me had a bumper sticker with what looked like the word "Coincidence" on it.  I checked and yep, it was the same saying.  I had to laugh, since I'm such a sucker for irony.

(Blog heading refers to what I found out later, namely that it's originally a quote from Einstein:  Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.)
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