Buses and Shank's Mare

May 03, 2009 23:30

So the kid and I walked to the grocery store this afternoon. It was the close one, but it's still a bit of a stretch for me at my current state of fitness. The plan was to walk there, then hop the bus for the trip home.

Oh. Wait.

It's Sunday.


What I *forgot* was that the buses don't run as often on Sundays as they do the rest of the week. And did I check the schedule before we left?

Of course not! That would have been sensible.

So, we finished up in the store, with the heaviest thing purchased a gallon of milk. Only three bags (didn't need too much, just some odds and ends). We headed over to the bus stop near the store and sat down to wait.

And wait.

And wait.

Kid's starting to wonder if the milk and cheese will still be good by the time we got home (it was over 80). Finally, I called the schedule hotline (or whatever they call it) and discover we've got a forty minute wait ahead of us.


So, off we go, bags in hand. About a quarter of the way home, I shove the house key (and the cheese - she already had the milk) at the kid and said "Go". So she took off like a whippet. (Well, maybe *ambled* at a fair pace is more like it.) I, on the other hand, huffed and puffed behind her wishing I'd had a drink of water at the store before the last leg. ;-) Got home, stripped down, cooled off with a cool cloth and some cool (not cold) water, inside and out, and started feeling human again within about fifteen minutes.

I think the moral of this story is that I really do need to get more walking done. ;-) I have a feeling my knees are going to be annoyed with me tomorrow, so it'll probably be Tuesday before I can get out there again.

rl rant, health

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