Still Stuck on this Rage

Mar 24, 2007 13:08

I'm starting to get disenchanted with Newbury Comics, and I think I may need to start looking for another place to purchase music.
It was so beautiful out yesterday that I felt the need to get out of the house, so I went over to Newbury Comics to check out what they had there, just to look around and get out of the house. I didn't plan on spending any money, but anyone that knows me knows that you don't put this boy in a music store and expect him to not spend money.
Firstly, they've re-designed the store so that the used CDs and the new Cds are integrated. No more separate "Used bin", but they're all together. This totally sucks for two reasons:
1) It has completely taken all the wonder out of browsing the Used Bin. It used to be that the Used bin was small enough that you could go through every CD in a relatively reasonable amount of time, so you'd know exactly what they had. It used to be that you could find some amazing stuff in the Used bin that you love without ever setting out to find it at all. You just happen upon it. This is the way I've acquired so many of my hard to find CDs. Just browsing the used bin and chancing across some really rare or obscure artist. Now, with all the Used CDs being integrated with the new ones, they're all alphabetized by artist, so in order to find something, you actually have to go looking for it, which sucks balls because so many of the CDs I've found by chance in the used bin I'd never think to actually look for. Takes all the fun out of it.
2) With all the used CDs integrated with the new, you'll look through a bunch of CDs, and find one you really love, just to find out it's going for an ungodly amount of money, (anyone who knows Newbury Comics knows just how damned expensive they are) whereas before, if it was in the used bin, you could guarantee you were getting a deal.

But regardless, I went looking, and I found Siouxsie's "Kaleidescope", which I can now replace with my burned copy of it. Maybe give it a someone who would appreciate it - anyone want a copy of "Kaleidescope"? It's burned, but it plays well.
The other CD I found ended up being a waste of money, but I didn't know that until I actually bought it. See, I've realized that my Cure collection isn't what it should be, and most of that is because I'm not a huge Cure fan. But there are some stuff by The Cure I like, but don't have. I think it's one of those things where, like, I know it'll always be there, so anytime I see a Cure CD somewhere I'll always opt for another CD because a) there's always a CD I'll want more, and b) I know The Cure isn't going to go super-obscure anytime soon. But, I have been keeping my eyes out for a few CDs of there's, and one of those CDs is "Wish". I really want that album.
So, while browsing the Cure section, I came across a CD of theirs for $7.99 used, which I thought was "Wish". That's a pretty good deal, and I was too mind-fucked by the change in the store to think of anything else I wanted, so I picked it up.
When I got outside to inspect it further, it turns out I didn't buy "Wish", but rather the "Friday, I'm in Love" single, which has a similar cover-art.

I mean, c'mon, can you not see how someone could easily mistake those covers for each other at a quick glance? Considering I don't own either, and am not terribly familiar with the cover arts, just have a vague idea what "Wish" looked like. I was so pissed that a) Newbury Comics was actually selling a Cure single USED FOR $8! That's RIDICULOUS! and b) I'd actually paid for it.
SO I gave it to Kristian. That's actually one of the few songs on that album I didn't really want. Go figure.

Anyway, in other news, I've decided that I'm applying at Eric's Tim Horton's for a second job.
For those of you who may not know, Tim Horton's is a coffee place similar to Dunkin Donuts, but a bit more classy, let's say ;-). In any case, what they do isn't important.
But I figure I'm going to talk to Nancy Beaudette today to see if she'd mind if I cut my availability down to two days a week plus a Sunday.
I figure, if I worked two 8-hour shifts a week plus a Sunday, and worked three other days a week at Tim Horton's, I'd be able to make more money.
Eric's Tim Horton's is hiring third shift, and desperately. Third shift means 10pm-6am. That shift starts at $8.75 an hour. That's a full dollar an hour more than I'm making now. I'd only work there three days a week.
In any case, the math I did figures that in total, I'd make an extra hundred dollars a week, and work no more than I'm working now, because as it stands now, I'm working 6 days a week with one day off. This would still afford me one day off (any day of my choosing) and I'd make a full hundred dollars more a week than I'm used to. I could use one paycheck to strictly pay bills with, and the other to live off of. I'd be all set. Plus, Tim Horton's makes tips, (and I remember how awesome tips are) and I may never have to buy cigarettes with my check money ever again. How awesome.

So yeah, I'm gonna check with Nancy Beaudette today to see if that's do-able. Wish me luck.

record stores, money, music, work, whining

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